We are moving towards a gradual reopening in May. On Figliuolo’s hard line vaccines

by time news

Time.news – The dates will resemble those of last year: to start again it will be necessary to wait another three weeks. At the moment, a meeting of the control room would not be scheduled this week, it should be held in the next one: we will analyze the data that will arrive on Friday and we will expect the next ‘report’ but it is very likely, explains a government source, that a real restart will take place only on May 3, along the lines of what happened last year (the 4 was the date of the easing of the measures), even if the goal the executive is working on is to send some signals as early as April 26.

It is the Undersecretary of Health Pierpaolo Sileri himself to confirm this, speaking on the television program Agorà: “I imagine that by consolidating the data, falling largely under an incidence of 180 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants, at that point from May 1st it will be possible to return to a more subdued color of the Regions. Reopening the restaurants could be feasible – he observed – but not from May 1st in my opinion, but progressively from week to week in May, up to the beginning of June with an English model reopening “.

In this case, however, an ad hoc provision will be needed, a dl not a simple resolution. Salvini is in pressure (“Where possible, it will reopen already now”), the Regions will send their proposals on Thursday, but the penalty wing invites us to avoid leaks forward, not to “burn – in the words of Minister Speranza – the stages”.

Among the parameters for reopening – as announced by Prime Minister Draghi – there will also be that linked to the percentages of vaccinations. And the criterion reaffirmed by the Commissioner atEmergency Son is to give priority to the fragile categories and to the over 80. The method is therefore the one for age groups, many Regions are finishing vaccinating the elderly and are proceeding in any case according to an age criterion. Criterion which De Luca avoided, who decided to focus on economic categories with AstraZeneca.

A choice condemned by the other presidents of the region, from Fedriga to Fontana, even if with non-barricade tones. In reality, some governors did not like it, so much so that a source refers to article 650 of the penal code which provides that “anyone who does not observe a provision legally given by the Authority for reasons of justice or public safety, or of d ‘ public order or hygiene “.

The goal, however, is to avoid raising the fight but Figliuolo was clear, the need to stick to the vaccination plan is not a recommendation but a directive to which everyone must comply, “no derogation”.

A sort of ‘either or’ therefore. And also on the ‘controversy’ linked to the free-Covid island (a perspective that does not even like several regional presidents, from Bonaccini to Fedriga) the offices of the emergency commissioner have expressed themselves clearly. Figliuol was in Palazzo Chigi in the afternoon.

Meanwhile, the CTS took time on the dossier linked to the European football championships and today received the proposals of the Minister of Cultural Heritage Franceschini to allow the reopening of theaters, cinemas and concert halls, already planned in the ‘Yellow Zones’, to take place with a greater presence of the public. The issue of reopening is on the government table.

The line of scientists but also of the President of the Draghi Council is to move according to scientific data. Only when the over 80s and the most fragile categories are vaccinated will there be a relaxation of the measures.

The premier is working (this morning saw the head of the Economy Franco) on the Def e to the new budget gap which will be close to 40 billion. Above all, the focus is on giving liquidity to companies and accelerating on the ‘Recovery’, on Thursday at the unified conference the Regions will speak with the ministers concerned (including Colao and Cingolani) and it is not excluded from setting up an ad hoc fund for the works excluded from the plan .

The Def and the new budget variance will arrive on the table of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday (tomorrow there is a meeting but on the agenda there are regional laws and delegations to the deputy ministers) and in the meantime there are about 3,100 amendments presented on the Sostegni decree in the Senate. As for the reopening ‘dossier’, the premier – as he explained on several occasions – considers them possible only with the acceleration of the administration of vaccines.

There should be a gradual restart, perhaps with the possibility of reopening the restaurant business and bars for lunch. There are some Regions that are further ahead (in Lazio the bookings for the sixty-year-olds have started), but the general ‘refrain’ is that the doses are missing (De Luca complains about the lack of Pfizer and Moderna) and in several do not hide their malaise for the announcements that – the reasoning of one of the ‘governors’ – in recent months have not been followed by the facts.

Even with the arrival of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and Pfizer’s early deliveries, it will not be possible to reach 500,000 inoculations per day but will be around 300,000.

Updated at 10.00


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