United States: Young man managed to raise 186 thousand dollars for an elderly woman to receive her retirement

by time news

Every person works a lifetime to later enjoy the fruits, however, not everyone has that opportunity for recognition, as can be the case with Nola Carpenteran American woman from 81 years that at his advanced age he was finally able to get a valuable reward and he did it thanks to the help not even of a relative or friend, but of a stranger.

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On this occasion it was nothing less than a young man with a name of 19 years Devan Bonagurawho from New Jersey, was able to help her and raised 186 thousand dollars, after making a short video from her account Dbon973_ of only 15 seconds, where the grandmother was seen working in the Walmart chain, which, given her age, did not seem fair to her situation.

A curious detail was despite receiving this large amount of money from the young man, he pointed out that he will not leave his job anytime soon and will only retire after the end of the Christmas period so as not to complicate the work team with the company’s tasks. The young man summarized the case of the old woman in his networks as “Life should not be so difficult” and as he commented, he learned about the case, since he has been working for a long time as an external provider that sells phones within an important multinational corporation of stores , so he could know that the old woman worked in that place.

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The video he posted was decisive

The video published by the young man then went viral so that he could ask for the help of users and the result was ultimately triggering because the goal of accumulating significant money was achieved, which allowed him to have a decent retirement. The same old woman also stated that she continued working, because she had to assume a mortgage debt on her house.

The young man gets these funds through “Go Fund Me” and achieve the goal of collecting as much money as possible so that Nola not only retires, but also enjoys a better quality of life in her old age.

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