Magic solution: this is how you will put an end to the spam calls that bother you

by time news

Join and be saved: A new database of the Consumer Protection Authority puts an end to the spam calls that flood our cell phones and raise our nerves. The database is called “Do not call me”, and it was established after a bill on the subject was passed in 2018.

How do you join?

The “Do not call me” database includes phone numbers of consumers who do not wish to receive telemarketing calls. All you need to join is to enter your phone number and the telemarketing companies will not be allowed to make calls to you. Registration is easily done on the database’s website.

After the simple joining, the cell phone number entered by the user will be added to the database and within 15 days from the day of registration it will be protected from spam calls. In order to discourage the energetic phone calls and stubborn companies, the website has a reporting option that will track the companies against which inquiries will be received.

Cellphone malfunction.  again.  Illustration

The end of excavations Photo: shutterstock

Not included in the law: requests for donations, conversations of election propaganda and public opinion polls

Along with the good news with the launch of the database, the Authority points out that there are some exceptions. For Dugmar, requests for donations, conversations of election propaganda and public opinion polls are not included in the spam law and the database does not protect against them. The authority also states that commercial entities that have been given consent to call you will also not be blocked within the database.

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