The death of American journalist Grant Wahl casts a heavy shadow over the World Cup in Qatar by Davar

by time news

Grant Wahl was my guardian angel, and if he wasn’t murdered, he died by negligence

| Ricardo Setion, “Davar” envoy in Qatar

Grant Wahl’s name has been heard around the world in the last two days not because of the football he loved and covered so much even though he is American, or because of the excellent surgeries he did for the industry, but because of his tragic death. He died in the press room and his brother claims he was murdered after receiving many threats on his life, due to his opinions on the World Cup and FIFA, and his popularity as a journalist.

I remember Grant as a friend, a kind of guardian angel of mine, from when he was a lucky boy who came on the exchange program from his high school in Kansas to the right place at the right time, until a week ago, when he enthusiastically recounted his acquaintance with Leo Messi.

Grant ended his life at the end of the match between the Netherlands and Argentina and entering extra time. Until the last minute of the game he was still sharing his thoughts with his hundreds of thousands of followers on Twitter. He didn’t get to see the overtime and Messi, who he loved so much, winning on penalties.

“Notti Magiche”, all of Italy sings – “The Magical Nights”. Actually, in Italian it is much more than that: a Mediterranean summer, a whole population with a great sense of humor, and lots and lots of football. High level! I think that of all the 10 World Cups I’ve covered, we’ve never had such a good meal in any of the host cities. A wonderful country with amazing food, broadcasting from Sardinia with its stunning beauty to Turin in the Italian Alps.

But the most hidden secret was right under my nose: in one of the corridors that leads to an open garden right in the main press center in Rome, there was a botca, which very quickly became the center of my main food: one of the sponsors, Parmesan cheese, would make small pizzas with flavors I didn’t know or heard of ever Each one is tastier than the other.

This is really called a tip. The person who gave me the tip was a boy named Grant Wahl, with the brazenness of a journalist from the USA, he decided that he too belonged to football, a place where there were no Americans at all back then.

Read the full article on the Devar news site

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