The basic law of Torah study and maintaining the situation at the Western Wall: the agreement between the Likud and the ultra-Orthodox

by time news

The agreement between Likud and Torah Judaism that was revealed caused a great storm in the Knesset and outside. When the outgoing government attacks the agreement head-on, Likud tries to calm the spirits. Amit Segal reported this evening (Tuesday) on News 12 that the agreement with Torah Judaism is expected to be signed in full before Saturday, this after last night the parties conducted negotiations for three and a half hours.

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Dear Adamkar reported in Vala! Because the Likud party agreed with the ultra-orthodox parties on additional clauses that appear in the draft coalition agreement, including: the judges’ complaints commissioner will not be responsible for judges in the rabbinic courts; A basic Torah study law will be promoted to solve the crisis of recruiting ultra-Orthodox to the IDF; the courts will be given jurisdiction over economic and civil disputes; the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Abu Kabir will be closed on Shabbat; and the status quo will be maintained at the Western Wall and it will be managed under the authority of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and the Holy Places.

The decision to deny the authority of the Judges’ Complaints Commissioner over the judges was made in light of the Shas demand following a request by the Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef who harshly criticized the incumbent Commissioner, retired judge Uri Shoham, who published audit reports against him following his conduct during the term. Rabbi Yosef claimed that Shoham did this for personal and extraneous motives. Last month, Rabbi Yosef said to one of the members of Shas: “Improve him, replace him with some dayan.” The coalition agreement states that Dayan will be responsible for the review of the judges in the rabbinic courts.

In addition, a decision was made according to which the government will act on legislation authorizing the rabbinical courts to adjudicate according to Torah law as an arbitrator in civil matters and also in civil matters, “with the consent of the parties”. This means that the courts will receive powers that up until now only the courts had.

Benjamin Netanyahu in the Knesset plenum: “We will maintain the status quo.” Photo: Knesset Channel

The ultra-Orthodox have yet to reach final agreements on the issue of the exemption from enlistment in the IDF for those whose “Torah is their art” – but in the draft coalition agreement it was stipulated that 60 days after the establishment of the government a fundamental law proposal would be advanced: the study of the Torah. This is a proposal designed to block from the High Court the possibility of canceling the the law and make the study of the Torah in the yeshiva a protected value in the constitution, so that the judges will have to take it into account and will not be able to invalidate the exemption law due to a violation of equality.

According to the clauses that were agreed according to the report in Walla!, the Institute of Forensic Medicine will be closed on Saturday, similar to the situation that was customary until 2020. This decision is intended to cancel another decision of the outgoing government, according to which the working days of the institute will be extended, this following a demand of the Prime Minister and MKs From the joint list to allow autopsies to be held on weekends, thus making it easier for Muslim families and allowing immediate burial in accordance with religious custom. At the same time, the opening of a new institute in the northern region that will also operate on weekends will be considered.

In the draft agreement there is also a reference to the issue of prayers at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. According to the agreements, no changes will be made in the main prayer area, which has two azahras – for men and women only. The mixed extension that currently exists south of the Western Wall will not undergo any changes, and the central extension will be managed subject to the instructions of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and the Rabbi of the Western Wall and the Holy Places. If necessary, legislation will be promoted to enforce the law and procedures in place.

This is a decision that may anger the women of the Kotel as well as the reform and conservative currents, this is due to a long struggle that led to the arrangement of a mixed prayer area, subject to a government decision that was made in the Netanyahu government but was finally canceled due to pressure from the ultra-Orthodox on representatives of Shas and Torah Judaism.

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