The flu epidemic spread to the whole metropolis; bronchiolitis slows down

by time news

The flu epidemic is gaining ground. While the threat of the triple epidemic of bronchiolitis, Covid-19 and influenza continues to cause concern, the latter has now spread to all of mainland France, health authorities announced on Wednesday December 14.

In the overseas territories, only Guyana and Guadeloupe remain in the pre-epidemic phase, according to the weekly report from Public Health France. The last few days have been marked by a continued increase in influenza indicators for all age groups and a “sharp increase in hospitalizations” (+ 117 %).

The epidemic peak of bronchiolitis probably reached

The outbreak of the influenza epidemic, rather early this year, is testing a health system tested by the recurring waves of Covid-19, currently in full recovery, and by an epidemic of bronchiolitis, in babies, like we hadn’t seen for ten years.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Covid-19, bronchiolitis and influenza: the triple epidemic of respiratory viruses threatening France this winter

The latter continues “at a high level” in metropolitan France as well as in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique and Mayotte. Nevertheless, the health authorities noted for the last week a decrease in emergency room visits and hospitalizations, “signing the very probable passage of the peak of the epidemic”.

Faced with the triple epidemic raging in France, the government has called on the French to a ” startle “ vaccination before the holiday season. “Vaccination and respect for barrier gestures remain the best ways to protect yourself from respiratory viruses”recall the health authorities.

See the graphics: Covid-19: epidemic figures in France and around the world, in maps and graphs

The World with AFP

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