Iran was expelled from the UN Commission on the Status of Women

by time news

While in the streets of Iran there are mass demonstrations in favor of women’s rights, at the UN, Iran has until now sat as a member of the Committee on the Status of Women. This afternoon, it was removed from it.

With a majority of 29 in favor, 8 against and 16 abstentions, the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations voted in favor of expelling Iran from the Committee on the Status of Women. This is the first time in the history of the United Nations, in which a member state was expelled from this committee. Among the countries that voted against the impeachment of Iran were China and Russia. Russia even made a proposal to stop the vote regarding Iran, minutes before the vote – but it was defeated by a majority of 26 to 11.

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, who voted in favor of expelling Iran, said in his speech before the vote that “the fact that the world’s greatest oppressor of women was a member of this committee is another crazy distortion of the United Nations. Today’s step is a small but important step. However, the step The really significant thing must be that the countries that signed the nuclear agreement will announce today that the agreement with the evil regime in Iran is null and void. Such an agreement paves the way for Iran to obtain weapons of mass destruction and will pour billions of dollars into it to continue murdering more protesters and women.”

Erdan compared the Ayatollah regime in Iran and the Nazi regime: “The Iranian regime is the embodiment of absolute evil just as the Nazi regime was the embodiment of absolute evil. The decision to oust Iran should be supported by all of us and those who do not support it are collaborating with the oppression and murder of women.” Referring to the demonstrations in Iran, he said that “the international community refused to act against the oppression and cruelty of the Iranian regime, and therefore the Iranian people chose to take their future into their own hands. We Israelis salute the Iranian people and their courage and see them as an ally. But what has the international community done to date to support the people The Iranian? Where is our courage? Did we do anything in response? Did we make it clear to the Ayatollah regime that if it continues to execute protesters, the international community will act against it? No and no. This is a disgrace!”

Prime Minister Yair Lapid welcomed the council’s decision to remove Iran from the committee. “The killing of Mehsa Amini and the flagrant violations of women’s rights in Iran disqualify her from being a member of the committee that deals with women’s rights. Today’s vote is evidence that the international community is beginning to understand more and more the dangerous nature of the Iranian regime, which endangers regional and global stability through the spread of terrorism, striving to achieve nuclear weapons, while oppressing its citizens and denying their basic rights. It is time for the international community to send a clear message to this murderous regime,” said Lapid.

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