Bluff withdrawals, or how to play with the emotions of the fans to empty their pockets

by time news

Surely Dani Martín did not do it with bad -read spurious- intentions. But when a few days ago he announced that he was retiring for a long time from music, he knew perfectly well that he was going to cause a media earthquake. No one believes that he is surprised by the headlines of ‘he is temporarily retiring’. After saying phrases like “see you in a few years”, “see you later, see you forever, until when it really comes out, thank you, ‘blackout’ (fade to black)”, the Madrid singer could not expect the media to react with indifference . Just like he knew what was going to happen with that little joke with the return of El Canto del Loco.

Some say that Dani has done it to boost the sales of his records and his tickets this Christmas, but that theory is hard to buy. Mr. Martín has plenty of dough, and in principle, he is not going to publish anything new that will occupy the shelves decorated with tinsel, nor is he going to give more concerts. So going by that, you might think that he made those statements out of honesty. But the truth is that when an artist makes us think that his career may come to an end (who knows what Dani could do or stop doing in ‘a few years’?), it always causes an increase in his income. whether you want it or not.

The mere fact of appearing in all the press and becoming a trending topic for this reason generates an immediate nostalgic effect, which leads fans to compulsively click on their songs on streaming platforms. We have asked Spotify to tell us if it has detected a surge in the reproductions of Dani Martín in recent days, and as soon as we have the data we will update this news.

Meanwhile, what is clear is that Dani Martín has said that he is leaving (for a while, we will see if he fulfills the “a few years” thing or not) without having releases or tours ahead of him, which honors him. But a good part of the public does not look so favorably on announcing withdrawals at other times, for example, just before putting the tickets for an entire tour on sale or releasing a new job.

This year we have had several examples of this. The bloodiest is that of Rigoberta Bandini, who did not even hide his eagerness to make headlines when he solemnly said this summer: “I have to explain something very important. In the fall I’m going to do the finale of the tour and then I’ll retire. I’m going away for a long time. I didn’t want to sound too mysterious, but we’ll be announcing the fall tour soon, which will be some very special shows, and we’ll be done with that.” Within three months she was publishing a record.

The pull of the poster ‘Farewell Tour’

In our country, another of the most notorious this 2022 has been that of Izal, which revealed that their tour this year would be their last before an “indefinite hiatus” with ensuing box office hysteria. Did they warn their fans that they were either going to see them or they wouldn’t have any more opportunities? Or did they secure colossal ticket sales in these uncertain economic times? Only time will tell, but the fact is that the wild card of the ‘indefinite’ time off allows them to return whenever they want without being accused of liars.

More forceful have been Second, who have started another farewell tour with the premise of the assured separation of the band at the end. But as a Twitter user said when seeing his announcement, it is possible to think that perhaps it will not take us long to see a “reunion album or tour to make cash again.” If it was done by a guy as sincere, transparent and supposedly trustworthy as Miguel RiosWhy won’t others do it?

The thing about the rocker from Granada was so flagrant that even he himself confesses that it is hilarious now: he had been ‘saying goodbye’ for a decade when suddenly, last year he released his first album of new songs in almost two decades. Outside of our country, the number of bluff goodbyes is enough for a book, with cases as striking as that of Guns’N’Roses: After breaking up, they swore so hard that they would never get back together, that when they did they had to name their reunion tour ‘Not in this lifetime Tour’ with a mixture of sense of bullfighter humor and shame. or the one of Scorpionswhose farewell tour is already going on for fifteen years, or KISS, who said they left it at the beginning of the century. More recent are the cases of contemporary superstars such as Enrique Iglesias, Nicki Minaj, Anuel Aa, Maluma o Ed Sheeranwhich barely took a few months to return to activity after announcements of withdrawal from the business that caused spikes in media attention and, therefore, reproductions.

So, after all, how can we trust farewell announcements, the end of a career? Will Bunbury return if he manages to remedy his vocal ailments? Will Rosendo want to rock again? Will Daddy Yankee regret stopping twerking? Will there be any compelling reason for Roger Waters to continue giving war? After what Miguel Ríos did to us, we can only trust the word of Serrated.

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