A journey through Catalan and world carols with the Polyphonic Chapel

by time news

The Christmas concert of the Capella Polifònica de Girona will offer this year a tour of carols from different eras and origins. The Polyphonic Chapel and its children’s choir, GiroNins, will hold a program based on Catalan carols and carols from around the world this Sunday at six in the cathedral, with the night as the protagonist.

In the recital, with free entry and without prior reservation, classics such as Holy Night, El noi de la mare or Nit devella will be played, but also No la debemos dormir, from the Uppsala songbook (16th century); La nuit, by Jean Philippe Rameau, and the anonymous carol Tengan silencio, from the music chapel of Girona Cathedral, dated around 1700.

There will also be current compositions, such as the premiere in Girona of Prova el fred de fer se etern, by Josep Ollé, and the interpretation of Glòria, by the same author.

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