Rage due to break up.. Acid attack on school girl

by time news

Yesterday, a 17-year-old student of class 12 in Uttam Nagar area of ​​Delhi walked to school from home with her younger sister. Then two masked men on a bike threw acid on the 12th class student and ran away. The student, who was seriously injured in the acid attack, is being admitted to the ICU in Safdarjunk Hospital.

While the acid attack on a student on the road in broad daylight caused a shock, the Delhi Police started an investigation based on the CCTV footage. It was then that the shocking news came out. The main culprit involved in this incident is Sachin Arora, a 20-year-old youth. He and the victim student have been in a relationship for a long time.

In this case, due to a difference of opinion, the student broke up with Sachin and has not spoken for three months. Enraged by this, Sachin planned an acid attack with his friends to take revenge on the student. For this he bought acid through Flipkart.

Before the incident, Sachin had given his cell phone and cart to a friend named Virender Singh to divert the police, and with another friend named Harshit Agarwal, he took acid and attacked the student and ran away. The police arrested Sachin and his two friends and put them in jail.

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Doctors have said that there is no danger to the life of the acid attack victim. At the same time, the doctors said that there has been damage to the face and eyes.

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