Stellantis, Fiom: other days layoffs in Grugliasco and Mirafiori

by time news

The direction Stellantis communicated to the trade unions other weeks of layoffs, or for the 19th, 20th and 23rd of April for the 1,117 employees of the Maserati from Grugliasco and from 19 April to 30 May for 275 workers of Mirafiori. The Fiom-Cgil of Turin made it known in a note, in which it is recalled that on April 15 the metalworkers unions will meet the company in Turin (a first meeting on the situation of all the plants of the group and to follow a specific comparison on the Melfi site).

“We are noting the strong concern of male and female workers also with respect to the increase in social safety nets, the crisis in the sector and the reductions of some services within the factories. The meeting on April 15 with Stellantis will have to serve to clarify and start a shared path on the choices of the industrial plan and occupational protection.“, they said Michele De Palma, Fiom-Cgil national secretary and automotive manager, e Simone Marinelli, national autotomotive coordinator for Fiom-Cgil, underlining that “for Fiom the goal is the full saturation of the plants through the launch of new models and technologies useful for facing the ecological transition of mobility to be carried out together with strategic plan that focuses on employment “.

The union expects the ministries of economic development and labor “to follow up on the requests that now arrive not only from the union, but also from local institutions and open the sector table”. In light of the new request for layoffs, “following the communication of the reduction to a single shift for the electric 500 with the consequent decrease in production per single day, the meeting of 15 becomes essential to have certainties on the production plans for the Turin plantsi, “he said Edi Lazzi, general secretary of Fiom CGIL of Turin, underlining that the Piedmontese capital “is the city that is paying the highest price in terms of employment and use of social safety nets. We urgently need to relaunch production with new models and volumes capable of to saturate the plants “.

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