The physiotherapists and the Sécu sign an agreement worth more than 500 million euros

by time news

Health insurance and the first union of liberal physiotherapists announced on Friday the signing of an agreement providing for 530 million euros in additional expenditure per year, in return for a turn of the screw on the freedom of installation of these caregivers.

Negotiations lasted almost a year. The time to break off the discussions in the spring, then resume them during the summer. And finally, just before Christmas, the Health Insurance can congratulate itself on a “historic amendment” to the national convention of physiotherapists.

“Reinforced regulation” on installations

The amount is indeed significantly higher than those of previous agreements with this profession: 530 million euros, for price increases, new procedures reimbursed (disabled children, loss of autonomy) and an overhaul of aid for installation in “very under-resourced areas”.

A substantial envelope, offset by “reinforced regulation” of their installation, while the workforce has jumped 20% in six years – 61,000 in 2015, almost 73,000 today, specifies the Secu. To “reduce the very strong inequalities in access to physiotherapy care”, the so-called “non-priority” areas, where the rule of one arrival for one departure prevails, will be extended to an area covering 30% of the population, compared to 22% currently.

A “hoped-for breath of oxygen”

Future students, who will leave school from 2028, will also have to spend the two years following their diploma in employment (hospitals, retirement homes) or in the least well-provided areas. The only signatory to this “long-awaited” agreement – the two other unions refused after consulting their members – the FFMKR estimates in a press release that the half-billion obtained “provides the hoped-for breath of fresh air” after “ten years of tariff freeze “.

The first organization of the profession assumes the new constraints on the installation and sees in it “a strong signal addressed to patients and (to) political actors” a few weeks before the examination of a bill on “direct access “, therefore without medical prescription, to several health professions including physiotherapists.

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