Covid, Locatelli: “Pandemic overcome as an emergency but attention is needed”

by time news

“It is evident that we are in a phase in which the pandemic understood as an emergency state has passed. We have a still significant viral circulation, albeit decreasing, in any case around 300 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, over 7 days. We need to continue to pay attention“. Said the president of the Superior Health Council, Franco Locatelli, a guest on Live in, on SkyTg24.

It is important, he underlined, “to continue to cover those who risk the most, therefore those with frailties either for personal reasons or for concomitant pathologies”. It is therefore necessary “to join the fourth dose campaign. We are 18% for the 60-69 age group, 29% for the 70-79 age group, and 42.5% over 80”, he explained, underlining that the campaign for the fourth dose was not a failure “but the concept of greater coverage for categories at risk must absolutely be reiterated”.

on new measures concerning the duration of self-isolation in the case of Covid “the Higher Health Council, which I chair, had already expressed itself at the end of August regarding the 5 days of isolation, making no difference between symptomatic and asymptomatic, if anything with 2 days without symptoms for those who were symptomatic at the beginning Perhaps attention could be given to doctors and healthcare personnel and those who work in the RSA because evidently they are the people who have to deal the most with potentially fragile people, so perhaps the reasoning could be diversified for them “said the Prime Minister health care superior.

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