A study provides a reason why aliens have not yet contacted Earth

by time news

If aliens do exist, why haven’t they already tried to contact us? The idea of ​​extraterrestrial life has long fascinated scientists and the public alike, with many theories as to what may or may not be out there in the depths of space, and a recent study has now offered a new explanation for why extraterrestrials have not visited our planet.

According to the British newspaper “Daily Mail”, scientists believe that the messages that we sent from Earth did not arrive or did, but there is still time that these messages need to return with a response, because we have only sent signals that can be detected from space since the thirties of the last century, so it did not have Aliens have enough time to receive or respond to the message.

The researchers said that the radio waves reached about 15,000 stars and the planets that revolve around them out of the 400 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy, but study researcher Amri Wandel, an astrophysicist, wrote in the research paper that any return message from these objects in the event that they reached them It takes time to return, only stars within 50 light-years have time to respond since Earth began spewing into the depths of space.

Not only that, but Earth’s first radio signals were not deliberately sent out into the universe, which means that it would be difficult for aliens to distinguish them due to the jumble they would be in after they reached space for one light-year, because it wasn’t until 1974 that we sent the first intentional high-definition broadcast. Aliens energy is reported by the Arecibo Observatory.

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