Benjamin Netanyahu declares his intentions regarding Saudi Arabia

by time news

Will I renew the Abrahamic covenants? In an interview published today (Friday) on the American “Washington Examiner” website, Prime Minister-designate Binyamin Netanyahu referred to his main foreign policy goal – signing a peace agreement with Saudi Arabia, in order to “end the Arab-Israeli conflict” according to him. He noted that official peace with the Saudis “will expand the circle of peace beyond our wildest dreams.”

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He emphasized that this will not end the “Israeli-Palestinian conflict”, and noted that this depends on Saudi Arabia’s desire to pursue such an agreement. “We are asked to close our eyes, hope for the best, while the Palestinians are still clinging to the hope of our destruction,” he added.

Benjamin Netanyahu in the Knesset Plenum: “We will maintain the status quo.” Photo: Knesset Channel

Regarding the signing of the Abraham Accords a little over two years ago, he said: “It took me a while to convince President Trump that this was necessary. I was not able to convince President Obama or President Clinton on the matter. I respected both of them, but I did not agree with them. On the matter of Iran, I was also unable to convince Obama”.

He said that “after a certain period of time, I was able to convince Trump and his team that this was possible. Due to the rise of our power and the power of Iran, Arab countries stopped frustrating us as enemies, but as allies against the Iranians. They also began to see us as a source of innovation in the fields of medicine, energy and water.” .

“No agreement stops the regime in Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons,” he claimed and added: “In the case of an agreement, they should not cheat, but simply abide by the agreement. They will become a nuclear threshold state with international approval.” He attacked: “People are tired of hearing about the idea of ​​’territory for peace’, we gave up territories and did not get peace, we got territory for terror.”

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