A divorced woman who kissed a young man was sentenced to death! The twist at the end

by time news

A woman in Sudan who was sentenced to death for kissing a man has been commuted to prison.

A kiss is punishable by death

A 20-year-old divorced woman and a young man have grown close in Sudan’s White Nile province. It is said that the woman then kissed the young man.

Enraged by this, the woman’s relatives killed the youth. Subsequently, a case of adultery was registered against the young woman for being intimate with a man other than her husband after marriage.


Change in punishment

A court in Kosti, White Nile state that heard the case sentenced the woman to death by stoning in public.

There was international protest against this brutal punishment. Subsequently, the White Nile State Court revoked the conviction and retrialed the case. During the trial, the woman admitted to the court that she was intimate with the man and kissed him. .

After this, the Chief Justice changed the charge and sentenced him to 6 months imprisonment.

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