Pasolini crime, the trail of the trap. The gang is involved

by time news

The Anti-Mafia Commission credits the hypothesis that the poet was lured to the Idroscalo making him believe he could recover the films of the film “Salò”, stolen from Cinecittà

Pier Paolo Pasolini was killed behind those barracks of the Idroscalo di Ostia, on the outskirts of Rome, while attempting to recover the stolen film of the last scenes of Salò or the 120 days of Sodom, film he had just shot: that theft had been organized by prominent criminal groups in which the Magliana gang was also involved, perhaps together with neo-fascist elements.

The new hypothesis is formulated by the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission of the previous legislature, which in the final report on the investigation conducted through various hearings, rekindles the spotlight on a crime of which – reads the document – «in substance, apart from the presence of Pino Pelosi as bait, the responsible”.

For the murder of Pasolini the only person convicted was Pelosi, known as “the frog”, who served almost ten years in prison and died in 2017. Precisely in 2005 Pelosi would have made statements to prosecutors talking about a stolen film of which he had proposed as mediator to get it back to the director, with whom he would have had a relationship.

At the center of the Antimafia’s hypotheses are the “pizzas” of films stolen in mid-August 1975 (Pasolini later died on November 2 of the same year) in a warehouse in Cinecittà. Among the sources used by the Commission there is instead the research work by the journalist Simona Zecchiin particular his conversation with Nicola Longo, a former policeman who had then been in service at SISMI.

The former agent would have told her that he had an important role in the recovery of that stolen material: «It was a theft that would have been the origin of the night meeting at the Idroscalo di Ostia in which the poet and director lost his life. According to this reconstruction, in this circumstance, Pasolini promised himself to be able to recover the original film which included some scenes from his film Salò or the 100 days of Sodomwhich otherwise would have been irretrievably lost.

According to this reconstruction, Longo then came “into contact with a big underworld character close to the criminal context of the Magliana gang (at the time, in 1975, still in the process of coagulation) and he made himself available to have the originals of the footage recovered bringing, as proof of effective possession of the films, a fragment of the film. The recovery operation had then been successful as Longo himself had been made to find the “pizzas” under a manhole cover and he had then arranged for them to be taken to a shed in Cinecittà, placed in an armored closet and thus definitively recovered».

Hence the new lead on what happened at the Idroscalo that night: «the involvement of the intellectual in this first-person recovery operation would exclude the reading of the homicidal dynamics in terms of a violent crime with a sexual background, but it would open up the prospect of an action (if necessary even premeditated) by important criminal groupsperhaps even jointly involved,’ reads the report.

One of the key elements of this thesis are the revelations of Maurizio Abbatino, heard by the Antimafia last February as a witness. The latter, in the past a leading exponent of the Magliana gang, would have said that he “had taken part, as a very young man, in a theft of cinematographic films that had been commissioned by a certain Franco Conte, owner of a gambling den”. In short, there are “embryonic elements” on the crime, wrote the Antimafia, with the hope that the Commission of Inquiry of the new legislature will go to the bottom.

December 17, 2022 (change December 17, 2022 | 15:41)

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