Hanukkah Laws 2017 – Kippah

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Maimonides describes the nature of Hanukkah: And because of this, the sages of that generation decreed that these eight days, which begin on the twenty-fifth night of Kislu, should be days of joy and praise, and during which the candles are lit in the evening at the doors of the houses every night of the eight nights to show and reveal the miracle. From the words of the scribes as the reading of the scroll. (Rambam Hl. Hanukkah 3:1)

The days of Hanukkah are days of joy and praise and there is one unique mitzvah in these days to light the candle to discover and show the miracle.

Days of joy and praise how?

On Hanukkah there are no ‘feast’ matzahs. Therefore there is no obligation to have a feast on Hanukkah. However, the Rama (Ter’a, 2) writes: ‘There is a bit of a mitzvah in having many feasts because in those days the dedication of the altar took place.’ Therefore it is good to organize family parties, which include a real feast.

making a craft – The women usually do not do any work while the candles are lit. When a large amount of oil is given in candles, lit for more than half an hour, it can be made easier not to do work for only the first half hour. (Shu’a Tera, 1) It is proper and correct to do an educational activity in a family setting after lighting the candles. An activity that includes singing, studying history, Hanukkah laws and customs.

Hanuka’s candles

What do you light? – All oils are kosher mitzvah from the choice olive oil in which the miracle was performed. Order of priorities: olive oil, other oils, wax candle. (Tereg, A)

the amount of oil – It is necessary to give shiber oil at least half an hour after the stars come out. Therefore, those who light before the stars come out, should put an amount of oil (or a large candle) that will be enough to light for at least half an hour, after the stars come out. Since people walk around until the early hours of the evening even in small settlements, it is appropriate to add oil so that the menorah will be lit for a few hours.

ignition time – the beginning of time – The Gra custom according to Rambam – The beginning of sunset (around 16:40). Table of Contents (Famine, 1) – The stars came out. (around 17:00)

Everyone will act according to the custom of their ancestors. Some say that in order to avoid the obligation of all methods, it is better to light before evening prayer about ten minutes before the stars come out. All this on the condition that there will be a large amount of oil that will be lit at least half an hour after the stars come out.

Until when is it allowed to light a Hanukkah candle? – Make sure to light the star finder for up to half an hour. However, initially it is still possible to light up as long as the habit is not consumed by the market, that is, while people are walking around the street anywhere according to their habits. Therefore, if one of the spouses returns relatively early in the night, while people are still walking on the street, you should wait for his arrival and only then turn on the light. However, if due to constraints he will return at a very late hour [לערך 22:00 ומעלה] It is more correct that his wife (of course with her consent) bless and light the candles on time [בלעדיו] Thus, he is also out of duty, and does not need to light another manukah when he returns. If he feels the need, he will turn it on without a blessing. All this is said when one of the spouses is late, however, if one of the children comes back late, you should not wait for him, but the parents will light it on time, and the son or daughter will light it when they get home. [ את שירי חנוכה אפשר לשיר שכולם יגיעו ויהיו בבית]

A family returning late at night from family joy

It is desirable and correct to plan the time of leaving the house for the family parties after the lighting of candles in each family’s home. You don’t have to go out of your way to turn on the lights at the host house even if you eat there but don’t sleep. When you have to go to a far place even before sunset (such as: a wedding far from home) and return at a very late hour, then it is better to light the candles already before the offering (about 3:40 p.m.) and put a large amount of oil, which will last until half an hour after the stars come out. This option is better than lighting the candles at a late hour when there is no living soul on the street, and some may already be asleep, and refrain from the mitzvah. However, in retrospect, it is possible to light it all night until dawn (Tareb, 2). Therefore, a family arriving late at night can light candles upon arrival. If it is an individual who returns late, it is appropriate to have at least one awake person at home. In any case, you should prepare the menorahs before the trip.

Lighting Hanukkah candles on Shabbat Hanukkah

It is correct to pray a large minachah on Friday before lighting the Hanukkah candle.

Friday night – lights Hanukkah candles and then lights Shabbat candles. In any case, the lighting of the Hanukkah candle should not be carried out before the time of the offering (approximately 15:40)

Saturday NightIn the synagogue – Light a Hanukkah candle and then a Havdalah candle. (Heal, 1). at home – Some say that he will light a Havdala candle and then a Hanukkah candle, and some say the opposite. Everyone will act according to the customs of his ancestors

Boys and girls who study in boarding schools and are away from home or soldiers and girls in national service

Ashkenazi custom Each of the members of the house lights, according to Halacha the boys and girls who are outside the house light and bless themselves in their place.

to the custom of Spain Only the father of the family lights and blesses, the children who are outside the house are obliged to light the lights in the house even if they don’t hear the blessings. Those interested can light without a blessing at the boarding school.

Guests who were invited to sit down

A family that has stayed for Shabbat will light the candles on Friday in the house where they are staying. Even on Mochash, you will light a candle in the home of the AFI families, who intend to return to their homes later at night. In this case, it is good that they wait and eat dinner after lighting the candle, and not immediately go home. If the guests wish to return to their home as soon as Shabbat ends, and especially when their home is close, it seems better that they light their home.

Reservist or travel away from home

A married man who is forced to travel from his home goes out of his duty to light his wife’s candles at home. However, according to the Ashkenazi tradition, it is good to glorify and try to light a blessing in the place where it is found. Therefore, if he lights, it is better that he aim not to go out of his way to light his wife, and coordinate with her to light in front of her. And so he can light a blessing in the place where he is staying and his wife will light it at home. However, if he will be on a flight and even in another country and is unable to light, he is obliged to light his wife at home.

Hanukkah trips

Hanukkah days are good days for family trips while the children are on vacation. You have to sleep in hostels and guest houses or large tents so that we can light a Hanukkah candle. From the ruling it appears that a Hanukkah candle is lit at home and is not allowed according to most of the rulings To light in the area where you eat and sleep under the sky. If you sleep in the field, it will turn on without blessings. If it is a group of children, it is better, according to Ashkenazic custom, for the parents to light a manukah in their home for the children (they bless as usual, only adding a manukah for the child who sleeps outside). In addition, one menorah will be lit in the area as a blessing to publicize the miracle. For those who are in the habit of lighting one menukah at home (Edut HaMizrah), the children are obliged to light the head of the family, and there is no need to add menukahs.

soldiers in the field sleeping in tents – Kindly welcome. Safety must be maintained and the candles will withstand the winds, and will remain lit for at least half an hour. [אם הנרות נכבים ואינם עומדים בפני הרוח לא ניתן לברך עליהם] .

Blessing on pancakes (latkes) – On fritters made from grated potato (on a grater), since the potato is not completely crushed, they bless ‘the land’. But for pancakes made of potato flour, since it is completely crushed, and it is not so well known what it is made of, they say ‘that’s all’. [תשובות והנהגות ג,עד]

Blessing on a donut – Blessings for food and finally for living. A donut is fried and not baked, so even if he ate a few donuts, this is not considered a meal, and the blessing remains food and sustenance. (not the issuer and blessing of the food).

Rabbi Meir Nahorai, is the rabbi of the Moshuat Yitzchak and the chairman of the Beit Hillel rabbinical and rabbinical organization.

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