The survey examined: who achieved the most in the coalition negotiations

by time news

A survey conducted in the Shishi studio examined who achieved the most in the coalition negotiations, and also, whether the commissioner should resign due to the promotion of the Ben Gabir law | Does the public really fear that the state will radicalize religiously, and also, should Yair Netanyahu pay himself or should the state pay from his own pocket

Who achieved the most in the negotiations for the formation of the government? A poll published in ‘Olapan Shishi’ on ‘Arutz 12’ the winner is the chairman of ‘Otzma Yehudit’ MK Itamar Ben Gabir, more than a quarter 26% of the public think he achieved the most in the negotiations. 20% think that the ultra-Orthodox parties won, then Bezalel Smotrich and only at the end Likud – the largest party and the one that really won the elections with a magnificent achievement of 32 seats – with only 14%. Even among the voters of the Netanyahu bloc, a quarter are convinced that Ben Gabir achieved the most in the negotiations – and the last Likud.

Smotritz and Ben Gvir in the plenary session Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90.

The survey also examines whether Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai should resign due to the law changing the police order that Itamar Ben Gabir is currently promoting, which turns the minister into a kind of commissioner who sets the policy in the police. Half of the respondents answered that the Commissioner should put down the keys and resign from his position, a quarter answered that he should continue in his position despite this. 36% of the voters of the anti-Netanyahu group think that the Commissioner should resign compared to 15% of the Netanyahu voter group.

Yes, we will check what the public’s opinion is regarding the agreements with the ultra-orthodox parties, do they fear that the state will become more religious? 49% are not afraid that this will happen compared to 47% who are afraid. Unsurprisingly, a vast majority of voters of the anti-Netanyahu bloc – the future opposition fear that this is what will happen.

Goldknopf in plenary Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90.

In addition, this week Yair Netanyahu requested that the state pay in his stead the compensation he was required to pay as part of a libel suit filed against him by former “Walla” editor Avi Elkalai, in the amount of more than NIS 400,000. More than three quarters believe that Netanyahu should pay the amount himself. Only 10% think otherwise. Even among the voters of Gush Netanyahu, a large majority opposes the state paying the compensation instead of Yair Netanyahu who is the defendant and he is defaming according to the court’s ruling.

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