Musk reinstates the suspended Twitter accounts of several journalists

by time news

The owner of the social network Twitter, Elon Muskhas announced this Friday at the last minute the reinstatement of the accounts of journalists whose profiles were suspended of the platform for having allegedly revealed personal information about the tycoon himself.

This was announced by the billionaire after conducting an open survey in which he asked whether he would restore the accounts of journalists after accusing them of endangering his family.

“The people have spoken. Accounts that duplicated my location will be lifted now,” Musk asserted, after the poll obtained 58.7 percent of votes against the suspension.

Twitter on Thursday blocked the accounts of several journalists who had reported on the ban on a profile that was dedicated to posting real-time updates on the whereabouts of Musk’s private jet, CNN reported.

Journalists, belonging to outlets such as ‘The New York Times’, ‘The Washington Post’ o la propia cadena CNNhad shared links to said Twitter profile, which is why the tycoon considered it necessary to suspend their accounts.

“Criticizing me all day is fine, but posting my locations in real time and endangering my family is not,” the platform’s owner said in a tweet posted Thursday.

“If someone published real-time locations and addresses of ‘The New York Times’ reporters, the FBI would be investigating, there would be hearings on Capitol Hill and (Joe) Biden would give speeches about the end of democracy,” Musk quipped shortly after.

These bans raise a number of questions about the future of the platform, since after its acquisition by the billionaire in early November, Twitter has shared its aspirations to defend free speech, Going so far as to unlock the account of former United States President Donald Trump, which had been suspended since the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Search for new investors

Elon Musk is looking for new investors for Twitter and offering shares at the same price for which he acquired the company just a few months ago, according to various specialized media.

The notification was advanced by Semafor and it has been confirmed, among others, by the newspaper ‘The Wall Street Journal’ after contacting investors who have received this new offer to put money in the social network.

Among them is Ross Gerber, president of an investment firm that had contributed slightly less than a million dollars to the operation in which Musk took control of Twitter, and who on Thursday was contacted by the company about the possibility of buying more shares.

According to these media, the titles are being offered at a price of $54.20, the same one that Musk paid and that Twitter valued at about 44,000 million dollars.

The billionaire tried for months to break or renegotiate the agreement he had reached to take over the company, which since its acquisition has been the subject of numerous controversies and has seen many advertisers withdraw their advertising.

Musk himself admitted last month that Twitter had experienced a massive drop in your income and came to talk about the risk of a possible bankruptcy in the future.

As part of the purchase transaction, the company took on about $13 billion of debt, so it has to face large interest payments for years to come.

Musk, for his part, has sold in recent monthss billions of dollars in Tesla stockthe electric vehicle company that he runs and in which he has concentrated most of his immense fortune.

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