The country’s president hosted teenagers to light a candle and watch the World Cup final

by time news

President Yitzhak Herzog lit the first candle of Hanukkah and hosted teenagers to watch the World Cup final together. The president and his wife hosted youths from around the country in collaboration with the “Sports for Life” project.

The president’s home was attended by students from the youth village “Eynain”, “Yoana Jabotinsky”, the Gan-Reva regional council, children from the communities of Boaina Nogidat and Mitzpe Netofa, students from schools in Jerusalem, a sports group for youth with disabilities and representatives from the Hapoel Jerusalem team.

As mentioned, the president opened the event by lighting the first Hanukkah candle and wished all the spectators and the youth an interesting game.

Photography: Haim Tzach. to the

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