A 4G relay antenna disconnected to monitor the health of a herd in Haute-Loire

by time news

Relay antennas are a concern for many French people, who are wary of the health consequences of these infrastructures. In Mazeyrat-d’Allier (Haute-Loire), Frédéric Sagères, breeder, saw the milk production of his cows decrease following the installation of a 4G relay antenna near his home. He even lost about forty of his animals in the days that followed. Suspecting the infrastructure to be the cause of his troubles, he asked for it to be suspended.

Given these implications, the court gave three months to the State and the operators, to proceed with the interruption for two months of the antenna, period during which the legal expert will monitor the development of the state of the herd. and dairy cows.

Orange, Free and Bouygues Télécom report the lack of scientific evidence

The mayor of Mazeyrat-d’Allier, Philippe Molhérat, noted the alarming state of the herd and expressed his concern about a potential “human catastrophe”, according to BFM TV. The 1,500 inhabitants of the village are also worried. For their part, telecommunications companies (like Orange, during its defense in court) point to the lack of scientific data linking animal health and electromagnetic fields.

On the side of ANSES (National Agency for Health Security), it is declared that it does not have expertise on the impact of electromagnetic waves broadcast by relay antennas on farm animals. Finally, according to the National Frequency Agency, which measured the site’s exposure in July 2021, the exposure levels are low, 0.79 V/m (volt per meter, the unit of measurement used to estimate electric field strength). The expertise that will monitor the behavior of the animals during the suspension of the antenna will make it possible to know more.

A dispute with the Council of State

According to a spokesperson for the telecoms federation, the four operators Orange, Bouygues Télécom, Free and SFR as well as the State, have lodged an appeal in cassation with the Council of State to challenge the suspension of the antenna. The operators maintain that this measure will deprive around 450 households of access to emergency numbers and the possibility of teleworking.

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