a 5.7 billion euro project for a semiconductor factory

by time news

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During the summit Choose France », organized in Versailles to promote the attractiveness of France, the American group Global Foundries and the Franco-Italian STMicroelectronics have announced the construction of a semiconductor factory near Grenoble.

The investment is massive: at the fifth “Choose France” summit, the announcement by Global Foundries and STMicroelectronics of the construction of a factory for semiconductors, these essential components for the automotive industry where communication infrastructures are in tension, allowed Emmanuel Macron and his government to praise France’s attractiveness. This project should lead to the creation of 1,000 jobs.

The French State is thus taking a significant share of the 5.7 billion euros of investment planned for the construction of the plant. In the current context of shortage, it is, according to Bruno Le Maire, French Minister of the Economy, a strategic investment and an issue of sovereignty.

“Semiconductors are as strategic today as nuclear power was in the 1980s,” says Bruno Le Maire. This is strategic for all industrial sectors: we cannot build either planes or trains without semiconductors, no means of communication or electric battery… We saw during the Covid crisis that the absence of semiconductors conductors and breaks in supply chains have created total disorganization in all industrial chains in Europe and around the world. From now on, thanks to this historic investment, France will be one of the very few nations in the world to be independent in the field of semiconductors. You will have the United States, Taiwan, South Korea, Germany, Japan and France. So France maintains its industrial and technological rank in the 21st century, thanks to this absolutely strategic investment. »

Bruno Le Maire, French Minister of Economy

In total, some 6.7 billion euros of investment were announced as part of the “Choose France” summit, ie approximately 4,000 permanent jobs.

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