A 96-year-old woman also came: over 1000 identity cards were issued on election day

by time news

The opening of the bureaus was made after MK Uri Makleb’s appeal to the head of the Population Authority and in the activity that began in the Knesset’s Constitution Committee in front of the Central Election Committee, in order to allow voters who lost their ID to exercise their right to vote

A huge success: Hundreds of voters who had lost their identity cards or had not yet been issued them and could not vote, came starting in the morning (Tuesday) to 8 offices of the Population and Immigration Authority – which were opened especially for the benefit of the citizens on election day, so that they could vote.

Among the voters is a 96-year-old woman, whose identity card was lost and came this morning to the Population Authority office in Jerusalem to issue a new identity card.

After that she went to the polls to vote for Torah Judaism.

This is a move that began after the demand of MK Uri Makleb in the Constitution Committee of the Knesset, in front of the Central Election Committee. MK Makleb spoke with the Director of the Population Authority who announced the opening of the bureaus.

As mentioned, over a thousand identity cards were issued during the last day.

MK Uri Maklev points out that in the last remaining hours – even those who have lost their identity card can go to the offices of the Population and Immigration Authority to issue an identity card and go to the polling station near their home in order to exercise their right to vote.

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