A barrier against rabies in hunting communities in Gabon

by time news

2023-06-04 15:55:42

A barrier against rabies in hunting communities in Gabon

June 4, 2023

The hunting communities of the department of Mulundu, participated, from May 25 to 27, 2023, in the vaccination campaign for dogs and cats, organized in the province of Ogooué lolo, as part of the world day against rabies .

This campaign was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security in charge of rural development, in collaboration with the WHO, FAO, OMSA and with the logistical support of the Program for Sustainable Management of Wildlife (Sustainable Wildlife Management – SWM – Program).

Rabies is part of the list of diseases monitored as part of the community-based surveillance protocol for zoonotic pathogens in the bushmeat sector of the department of Mulundu, developed with the support of the SWM program, according to an approach one health “. This approach, based on the joint management of human, animal and environmental health, is carried out in collaboration with the hunting communities, IRET, CIRMF, and the Ministries in charge of human health, animal health and the environment.

Vaccination of dogs and cats against rabies in villages living from hunting reinforces the safety of actors in the bushmeat sector and consumers, and complements the zoonoses surveillance system in the groupings of partner villages of the program SWM in particular: Lipaka2, Bembicani, Kessipoughou, Malendé, Doumé, Bakoussou, Ndékabalandji, Nzondet, Moumba and Ndambi.

Of all the dogs that were presented to vaccinators, 93% were vaccinated for the first time against rabies. Internal and external parasites were also treated during this vaccination campaign, which made it possible to build a barrier against rabies.

Editor: SWM-Gabon Program

#barrier #rabies #hunting #communities #Gabon

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