A bill on reform was tabled for discussion despite Netanyahu’s statement

by time news

The Knesset Plenum received the Basic Law of the Judiciary and Courts for consideration on Tuesday, following the suspension of legal reform legislation and attempts at negotiations. The Knesset spokesperson clarified that this was a normal procedure, where the bill passes through drafting, printing, and is then submitted to the Knesset secretariat for announcement. Members of the opposition and protest representatives criticized the move, with MK Avigdor Lieberman noting that the coalition disregarded the public in favour of the Basic Law. Similarly, MK Naama Lazimi criticized the haste and urgency of the move, calling it a “gun held to the temple”. In response to this criticism, the leaders of the reform movement insisted that the negotiations with President elected opponents were part of a strategy to eventually impose dictatorship, and that the laws of the dictatorship will not be allowed to pass.

The Basic Law of the Judiciary and Courts was placed on the Knesset table today (Tuesday), this against the background of the decision to suspend the legislation of the legal reform and the attempts to go to negotiations.

The Knesset spokeswoman said: “The Basic Law: The Judiciary and the Law on the Judiciary, which were approved yesterday by the Constitution Committee, finished the drafting process and were transferred to the Knesset Plenum for consideration on its table already at 6:15 pm yesterday. The date of the announcement of the discount in the plenary is at the discretion of the Knesset Secretariat. It should be noted that this is a normal procedure, within the framework of which from the moment the bill is approved by the committee, it is transferred to drafting and from there to printing and then to the Knesset secretariat for the purpose of announcing a discount.”

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Members of the opposition and representatives of the protests were quick to attack in response, as the chairman of the Israel Beitenu party, MK Avigdor Lieberman, posted on Twitter: “As I warned, Netanyahu lied again. Instead of going to a real conversation with the president of the country and nursing the rift in the people of Israel. The coalition spits in the public’s face and at these moments placed the basic law of the judiciary and courts on the Knesset table. This means that at any given moment it can be voted on and passed by the plenary. A gun to the temple in the full sense of the word.”

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MK Naama Lazimi (‘Labor’) said in response: “I am just finishing a speech in the plenum and the secretary of the Knesset announces that the judiciary laws have been submitted for a second and third reading. stop? More like a gun held to the temple.”

The leaders of the struggle for reform: “The plot is clear, this is a fake negotiation for the purpose of transferring the dictatorship at the beginning of the session. Contrary to what Netanyahu, Rothman and Ben Gvir think, the people who took to the streets are not innocent. The laws of the dictatorship will not be allowed to pass, neither will the millions of citizens who have protested until today, nor the iron wall that will stand in front of them. The leaders of the opposition and the president should know that the negotiations they are conducting are a theater show of the dictator Netanyahu. We will meet on Saturday at Kaplan.”

MK Yulia Malinovski (‘Israel Beitno’) wrote: “Negotiations? You made Bibi laugh. The coalition, nevertheless, has now placed on the Knesset’s table laws – the foundation of the judiciary and the courts. Is there anything else that believes in Bibi, Ben Gabir and Levin? I really don’t!!!!”

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