A blow to housing and construction: The entanglement with U.S. customs will delay a significant project

by time news

Doron Arbeli and Nati Saidoff (private album photo, Flash 90 / Hadas Porush)

A blow to housing and construction. The subsidiary Housing and Construction Energy is building a significant solar power plant in Texas. The supplier of the company’s solar panels has informed it that US customs operations are underway in relation to those panels and therefore payments should be added to it. Shikun VeBinui says that the additional payment can reach $ 80 million and that the project may be delayed and that its cost may increase.

The announcement sent by Shikun VeBinui states that the supplier, which is defined as a material supplier for the project, informed her that proceedings concerning the same panels are being conducted at US customs. Shikun VeBinui claims that the additional payment demanded by the supplier for those “customs proceedings” is a payment that was not taken into account by him in advance and therefore theoretically must be borne by them. But the same supplier claims otherwise and demands the payment from the company.

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It further indicates that the supplier has not yet finished supplying the same panels for housing and energy construction and therefore this is not a process that does not interfere with the construction of the power plant and the whole dispute is over additional payment, but the supplier’s additional requirement Power plant hence also in costs and so on.

It will be recalled that Shikun VeBinui manages significant energy projects in the United States under its subsidiary Shikun VeBinui Enriga, which was also supposed to be issued on the stock exchange, which did not happen. But at the end of the day, Paz preferred to expand its retail activities rather than the energy activities that focus on the Ashdod refinery.

The Shikun VeBinui share is now trading unchanged after rising by a minimal rate of 0.6% since the beginning of the year.

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