A breastfeeding mother’s milk began to flow from under her arm

by time news

When 35-year-old Lindsey White once again began to breastfeed her baby, who was born a few weeks ago, she suddenly discovered that milk was flowing not only from the intended places – the breast nipples, but also … from under the arm.

Deciding that her “third nipple” probably erupted, the frightened mother ran to the doctor. After examining the woman, the doctor said that she did not have a third nipple and that leakage of milk in this place for some women is “quite normal.” This is called “Spence’s tail” – the spread of breast tissue along with milk-carrying vessels to the armpit, the doctor explained, so there is no need to worry.

White says that after a while she discovered that milk sometimes oozes from under the second mouse. At the site of the leak, White felt a swelling that was painful to the touch, and when pressed, a stream of milk sprayed from under the arm.

In an interview with Jam Press, White said she decided to share her experience with other women on the media platform TikTok because “I’ve never heard of it, nobody’s talked about it, and I wanted other moms to know it’s okay, and don’t be scared.”

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 0 dated November 30 -0001

Newspaper headline:
Third nipple?

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