A call for exhibitions on “True and False Prophets” at the Binyamin News Architecture and Design Gallery

by time news

In preparation for the 2023-2024 exhibition season, Binyamin Gallery invites curators, artists and groups to take part in the gallery’s activities and to submit coherent proposals for group and couple exhibitions on the theme “True and False Prophets”.

Throughout history [המערבית], the search for truth led to a clear world view, through philosophical and scientific theories that led to the writing of manifestos, physical and spiritual journeys, wars and peace agreements. Today, we are and are in a significant moment where there is a spectrum of perceptions regarding the truth. There are people who live from the feeling of the one truth and others who question everything they see, alongside many and many who are searching for their subjective truth, which is dynamic, evolving and changing. At the same time, who I am is defined by the foreignness of the other, and the tendency to turn the other from me into a delusion grows stronger.

Technology has brought virtual reality, television and reality into our lives. Fiction is taking over larger parts of reality, and repeated fake news becomes real. The term ‘post truth’ became the word of the year in 2016, and it is already difficult to distinguish between facts and opinions. An established and accepted theory becomes conspiratorial one day by growing groups who claim to ‘see the truth through the lies’ or by those in power who seek to control the narrative. We have become sensitive to phenomena like gaslighting and on the other hand we use an avatar that hides [או משחרר] us to write “the whole truth in the face” in the talkback.
The gallery will give priority to proposals from curators and artists who will challenge the accepted modes of display. In addition, the gallery will encourage proposals for tangential art events to be held during the proposed exhibition.

Submission process:
Deadline for submission: until 8.10.22
The submission by email [email protected] must be sent a single PDF file weighing up to 15 MB. Please write in the subject line “proposal for the 2023 exhibition”.
If you have not received confirmation of the offer from the gallery within a week, please contact the gallery.
Answers will be given by 8.12.22
You can contact the email [email protected] at any time with questions and doubts. Please write in the subject line “consultation for exhibition 2023”
The exhibits will be included in the exhibition schedule starting in February 2023. The first date on which you can be ready for display must be indicated on each submission. The gallery does not undertake to insert the exhibition on this date.
It is recommended to visit the gallery before submitting the offer. To view the gallery drawing.
Benjamin Gallery is a cooperative gallery. The participants in the exhibitions join the gallery for this period of time as temporary members and are asked to pay a temporary membership fee of NIS 800 for each exhibition [בתערוכה קבוצתית העלות תתחלק בין המשתתפים] and fit into the shift formation.

Gallery plan, credit: Benjamin Gallery

The offer will include:
A clear and concise description of the project. up to 500 words.
A concise description of the events that will take place in the gallery during the exhibition [שיח גלריה, פרפורמנס, הרצאה, או כל דבר אחר]. Up to 100 words.
Relevant images and initial placement is suggested
A short biography for each artist
A portfolio of a maximum of 10 images from previous works for each artist
Curriculum vitae of the treasurer
Contact details and links to the websites of all participants
The calling voice on the gallery website: https://www.binyamin-gallery.com/open-call-2023

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