Cardiovascular diseases generate the highest mortality in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, with one third of COPD patients dying due to a cardiovascular event. An awareness campaign on the relationship between lungs and heart.
<img width="1170" height="752" class="attachment-newpress-featured-large size-newpress-featured-large wp-post-image lazyload" alt="“Pulmones que laten”: una campaña para concienciar sobre la EPOC y su impacto cardiovascular" decoding="async" fetchpriority="high" data-attachment-id="361211" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="1591,1920" data-comments-opened="0" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="Pulmones EPOC" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="
Image from AstraZeneca’s Beating Lungs campaign. Photo provided.
” data-medium-file=” data-large-file=” src=” srcset=” 1170w, 370w” data-sizes=”auto” data-eio-rwidth=”1170″ data-eio-rheight=”752″ />
Image from AstraZeneca’s Beating Lungs campaign. Photo provided.
As part of World COPD Day, November 20th in this edition, AstraZeneca launch the campaign “Lungs that beat” raise awareness among the general population, healthcare workers and institutions on the topic connection between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cardiovascular disease.
The initiative has the patronage of Primary Care Respiratory Group (GRAP), the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR), the Spanish Association of Heart Patients (Cardioalianza) and the Spanish Federation of Associations of Allergy Patients and Patients with Respiratory Diseases (Fenaer).
Through the holographic model of an organ that simulates the union of the heart and lungs, the need to address COPD with a cardiopulmonary approach is highlighted.
Emphasize the importance of treat cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases togetheras they are closely related and share common causes.
Indeed, Up to a third of COPD patients die due to a cardiovascular event, reaching up to 40% if a previous cardiovascular event is present.
Cardiovascular diseases and COPD are closely related, both mutually increasing their prevalence and significantly decreasing the health status of patients.
In fact, patients with COPD who also suffer from cardiovascular disease have a higher risk of death than those who do not.
They are the main causes of death both in Spain and in the world and are those that generate the highest mortality in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
THE COPD affects three million people in Spain and despite its high prevalence, it has a rate of infradiagnostic of 74.7%.
Furthermore, many people are unaware of the link between the two diseases, and COPD patients are aware of this eight times more likely to have heart failure and up to five times more likely to have arrhythmias, in particular joint fibrillation, ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris or myocardial infarction.
Dr. Javier de Miguel, member of SEPAR and pulmonologist at the Gregorio Marañón hospital explains that the coexistence of COPD and cardiovascular disease often makes diagnosis difficult, and both diseases share common risk factors, such as a sedentary lifestyle, smoking or reduced lung function.
“For this reason, those involved in the fight against these diseases must work together and in a comprehensive way to improve the treatment of these pathologies,” says the specialist.
The risk of cardiovascular events usually increases in the weeks following an exacerbation, doubling the risk of myocardial infarction due to parameters such as inflammation or arterial stiffness.
To prevent this situation, AstraZeneca offers some key measures so that COPD patients can improve control of their disease.
- Pay attention to the symptoms and see your doctor if necessary, especially if you notice worsening.
- Follow a healthy diet to achieve a good nutritional status, which improves muscle strength and quality of life.
- Perform regular exercise reduces the appearance and severity of exacerbations.
- Give up tobaccoa trigger for exacerbations of this disease.
An infographic about COPD day
To mark World Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease Day, the Roche Institute Foundation has produced an infographic on COPD and personalized precision medicine as part of its collection “Speaking of”.
<img decoding="async" width="1024" height="907" data-attachment-id="361388" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="1920,1701" data-comments-opened="0" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Infografía EPOC" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="
Infographic on COPD and personalized precision medicine from the Roche Institute Foundation. Photo provided.
” data-medium-file=” data-large-file=” alt=”” class=”wp-image-361388 lazyload” src=” srcset=” 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 1200w, 1920w” data size =”auto” data-eio-rwidth=”1024″ data-eio-rheight=”907″/>Infographic on COPD and personalized precision medicine from the Roche Institute Foundation. Photo provided.
How can awareness campaigns like “Lungs that Beat” improve early diagnosis and patient care for COPD?
Interview Between Editor and Dr. Javier de Miguel on COPD and Cardiovascular Disease Awareness Editor (TNE): Good morning, Dr. de Miguel. It’s a pleasure to have you join us today to discuss the “Lungs that Beat” campaign, which aims to raise awareness about the critical link between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cardiovascular disease. Can you start by telling us why it’s important to highlight this connection?
Dr. Javier de Miguel (JdM): Good morning, and thank you for having me. The connection between COPD and cardiovascular disease is crucial because cardiovascular complications are one of the leading causes of mortality among COPD patients. Research indicates that up to one-third of COPD patients succumb to cardiovascular events. By raising awareness, we can encourage earlier detection and integrated treatment approaches.
TNE: That’s quite alarming. We often think of these conditions as separate issues; what are some common risk factors that contribute to both diseases?
JdM: You’re right; they are frequently viewed in isolation. However, COPD and cardiovascular diseases share several common risk factors, including smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, and reduced lung function. This overlap means that managing one condition effectively can significantly impact the prognosis of the other.
TNE: The campaign features a holographic model that illustrates the union of the heart and lungs. How does this visual representation play into the campaign’s goals?
JdM: The holographic model serves to symbolize the intimate relationship between these two organs. It aims to visually and conceptually emphasize the necessity of treating conditions that affect both the lungs and heart in a comprehensive manner. This innovative approach can help physicians, patients, and the general public understand the interconnectedness of these diseases better.
TNE: Given that COPD affects approximately three million people in Spain, yet has a high rate of underdiagnosis, how do you see awareness campaigns like “Lungs that Beat” impacting patient care?
JdM: Awareness campaigns are vital in overcoming the stigma of underdiagnosis. With 74.7% of COPD cases being undiagnosed, initiatives like this can help change that statistic by informing people about the symptoms and encouraging them to seek medical advice. Increased understanding among healthcare providers and patients can lead to earlier diagnosis and intervention, ultimately improving outcomes.
TNE: The statistics regarding both COPD and heart conditions are striking. Can you elaborate on the impact COPD has on cardiovascular health?
JdM: Absolutely. COPD patients are at a substantially higher risk of developing serious cardiovascular issues. They are eight times more likely to experience heart failure and have a significantly elevated risk of arrhythmias and other heart diseases. The risk of cardiovascular events tends to spike in the weeks after a COPD exacerbation due to factors such as inflammation and arterial stiffness.
TNE: Given these complexities, what key measures can COPD patients take to manage their health proactively?
JdM: There are several important steps. First, it’s crucial for patients to be attuned to their symptoms and consult with their doctor if they notice any worsening conditions. Adopting a healthy diet can improve nutritional status, enhancing muscle strength and overall quality of life. Regular exercise is also vital as it not only helps manage COPD but also positively influences cardiovascular health.
TNE: Thank you for those insights, Dr. de Miguel. Lastly, what message do you hope this campaign will convey to the public?
JdM: Our primary hope is to reinforce the idea that COPD is not just a lung disease; it significantly impacts heart health as well. By working cohesively and comprehensively, healthcare professionals can manage both conditions effectively. Together, we can improve the lives of millions who are affected by these diseases.
TNE: Thank you, Dr. de Miguel, for your time and for sharing such valuable information. We look forward to seeing the positive impact of the “Lungs that Beat” campaign!
JdM: Thank you for having me. Let’s continue to advocate for awareness and promote holistic care for patients battling both COPD and cardiovascular disease.