«A candidate for the Davids, I love uncomfortable challenges. And in Spoleto he made his theater debut as a director»- time.news

by time news
Of Valerio Cappelli

Shy, solitary and light-hearted, the Roman actor has become one of the reference points of auteur cinema: Ficarra and Picone are also in the running for the most important cinema award. Those who raise fences against comedians have understood nothing.

With his big nose like a rapacious eagle standing out over an astonished and emaciated expression, Luca Marinelli loves characters to climb, all energy and restlessness, as happens in Eight mountains, a journey to the absolute. It is the film for which he was nominated for the David di Donatello (with the other protagonist, Alessandro Borghi). Shortly afterwards, on 8 July at the Spoleto Festival, the 38-year-old Roman actor, who has become a point of reference for auteur cinema, made his debut as a theater director for A report for an Academyfrom Kafka’s story.

Marinelli is an atypical Roman who moved to Berlin years ago for love, a city that stimulates the creative dimension. Shy, I keep talking about himself, cautious and ironic, solitary and light-hearted, he calibrates his words with the rhythm of a 15th century amanuensis monk. He was not admitted to the Experimental Center of cinematography where the commission told the film of his life Batman. He redid himself on the field in projects that few believed in, in the part of the criminal in Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot and some toxic in Do not be naughty. In Venice he won the Coppa Volpi for Martin Eden. You would like to talk only about Kafka.

What strikes you about this text, which is almost an existential labyrinth?

I saw it in Paris many years ago and was struck by it. I think of truth, despair and lucidity in speaking metaphorically about the condition of existence in society. The monkey was taken from its context and taken by force elsewhere and from this “new life” of its, speaks to us. In the text, the monkey is a narrator who speaks of a way out at a scientific conference, of the need to find a solution to the problem of imprisonment but without getting lost behind the concept of freedom, too often used in an elusive way, creating quite a few problems for human beings.

Kafka moves on the border between animality and humanity.

He learns human behavior just to get out of the cage. It’s a matter of survival, rather than freedom. I thought several times about acting it myself, but I saw Fabian Jung perform with his vibrant soul at his graduation essay at the Ernst Busch school and I asked him if I could be his director.

A well-dressed being who in front of the academic public tells his journey, from his previous life as a monkey to today, with his appearance and his behavior quite human, such as to be able to have some success.

A metaphor for the human condition?

It is a metaphor for many things, including existence, how we behave, what we believe in. And much more. If the monkey Kafka, in feeling different that has accompanied him throughout his life? I don’t allow myself to interpret it. I like his style and what he communicates, his gaze on society.

The protagonist in Spoleto is a German actor.

Here, the aspect that I find interesting is that Fabian Jung recites in Italian not knowing a single word of our language. He studied this monologue from scratch. It is a situation analogous to that of the monkey. The fact of approaching the text as a sound or a rhythm was fundamental. We gave it a try in Berlin for some friends and family.

After theater direction, will you make one at the cinema?

In the meantime, let’s see how this show will be received. I don’t hide that I’m very worried, but I like a feeling. Not being comfortable is a quality I appreciate. Directing a film would be another beautiful and uncomfortable experience.

Let’s change subject. What does the David nomination represent?

It will be a pure emotion, a beautiful evening full of colleagues I love and with whom I have shared a part of this job. Alessandro Borghi, for me, a brother.

Does the presence of Ficarra and Picone mean that prejudices and fences are falling on comedians?

Those who have prejudices and raise fences on comedians have understood nothing of the art of acting.

Apart from Batman, another idol of his was Indiana Jones.

Because as a boy I wanted to be an archaeologist. Today my archetype is writers who want to get rich by travelling. But I’m in love with my job and I feel lucky to be able to live what I dreamed of as a student at the Academy. I see this work as a great opportunity for exchange between human beings.

You have already been to the Venice Film Festival five times: what would you change about festivals?

I would remove the barriers to shake the hands of the public.

April 6, 2023 (change April 6, 2023 | 8:30 pm)

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