A car collided with a truck parked in Maale Adumim, two men were moderately injured

by time news

A private vehicle lost control a short time ago (Friday), hit a fence and collided with a parked truck on the Gai road in Maale Adumim. MDA medics and paramedics with the assistance of the medical teams of the Rescue Union provided medical treatment to two wounded and evacuated a 50-year-old man with a head injury and a 37-year-old man with injuries to his upper body, their teeth in moderate condition, to Shaare Zedek Hospital.

A senior paramedic on a MDA motorcycle, Oria Lubiner, said: “This is a very serious accident that only by a miracle did not end in tragedy. Citizens who were there told us that the private vehicle deviated from the travel lane, hit and dislodged the fence and collided with the back of a parked truck. The 2 passengers of the vehicle, a 50-year-old man and a 37-year-old man, were rescued from the vehicle while they were conscious and suffering from bruises on their upper bodies. We gave them initial medical treatment on the spot and evacuated them to the hospital when their condition was stable.”

Avraham Becker and Nahorai Tzemach, medics of the Ihud Hastla, said: “This is an accident involving a car that entered a truck from behind. We provided first aid at the scene of the accident to two victims who were moderately injured. Firefighters operated at the scene due to the nature of the accident.”

Police traffic department examiners are investigating the circumstances of the accident.

Photo: Documentation of MDA operations
A car collided with a truck - car accident - Maale Adumim
Photo: Ihud Hatzla spokesmen

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