A castle of dreams, Bartolomeo Colleoni relives at Malpaga

by time news

Time.news – A fourteenth-century castle on the outskirts of Bergamo, residence of the famous condottiere and captain of fortune Bartolomeo Colleoni, is turning into one of the most popular tourist attractions in the entire province, thanks to an innovative management made up of exclusive tours, events, historical re-enactments and trips to the village.

The history of the manor

The castle is located in Cavernago, south of the capital, and dominates an expanse of 330 hectares of agricultural fields in the Serio River Park. Born as a Ghibelline defensive building surrounded by a moat, it was abandoned for a few decades until in 1458 it was bought by Colleoni, who for 20 years was Captain General of the troops of the Serenissima Republic of Venice, lady of Bergamo since 1428. he restructured by expanding it to make it his main residence. Colleoni hosted famous writers in his castle with parties, banquets and competitions. He died in 1475 at the age of 80 and the castle and other possessions he had were left to his children.
The castle remained in the hands of the Colleoni family until 1880 and then passed to the Roncalli Counts and subsequently to the Crespi family. He amazes how it has kept its medieval charm intact: the exterior of pebbles alternating with terracotta blocks, the watchtowers, the crenellated walls, the large loggias, the large moat and the ancient drawbridge.

Visits, events and re-enactments in costume

On weekends from March to November it is possible to access it both with free visits with an audio guide (ideally Medea Colleoni, daughter of the great Renaissance leader, is the guide) and with guided tours to discover the halls and rooms on the ground floor and upper floor. . Malpaga Spa, the company that has initiated important redevelopment and recovery projects for the castle and peasant dwellings, warehouses, stables and surrounding military buildings, takes care of it.

© From the official website https://www.castellomalpaga.it/

Re-enactment in costume

Upon arrival, you are greeted by the staff in period costume who immediately plunge into the fifteenth-century atmosphere. Inside they can be admired beautiful frescoes made between the 15th and 17th centuries. Extraordinary and intact in particular those on the ground floor of Girolamo Romanino which recall the stage he made in Malpaga the king of Denmark, Christian I, on his journey to Rome. Upstairs, the discreet recovery interventions carried out in the mid-twentieth century concentrated on the removal of the rear frescoes to bring to light the Gothic ones desired by Colleoni and, in some cases, even earlier ones. The interiors are furnished with reconstructions of period furniture.

I tulipani

Among the numerous initiatives offered there is also a carriage ride around the village. And then historical re-enactments such as the Palio di Malpaga in August with the equestrian joust and parades, medieval themed dinners, theatrical and musical performances, workshops for children, nights in tents in the castle, summer camps. Near the castle they were planted last autumn 150 thousand tulips of 150 varieties, 15 thousand daffodils and 5 thousand hyacinths creating a carpet of color from which the visitor can choose flowers and bulbs to take home with the “Seize the beauty” initiative.

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