A chain of events in the Hanukkah holiday in the city of Kaliningrad

by time news

In the city of ‘Kaliningrad’, also known by its historical name ‘Königsberg’, which is located on the shores of the Baltic Sea, a Russian enclave between Poland and Lithuania, many events are held every day of the Hanukkah holiday, in order to publicize the miracle among all the residents of the city and bring the mitzvot and joy of the holiday to every Jew.

With a large and complex investment, a prestigious evening of recognition was held at Nar Shani of Hanukkah for donors, governors and important government officials, who came to celebrate the holiday together, and to receive the appreciation and recognition of the city’s Jews for their great help to the development of the Jewish community in general and the Great Synagogue in particular, which has since been restored after it burned down 84 years ago On Kristallnacht, it is a beacon of prayer, Torah and grace for all the many Jews and even many guests and tourists, including those who come from nearby Lithuania or Poland.

On a huge screen, the participants saw a sacred talk from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, about the right and duty of everyone in spreading the light of Judaism. The Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar, sent a special and warm blessing, and praised the progress of the construction of the magnificent mikvah tahara, the first in the entire district, since it was destroyed by the Nazis in World War II.

The blessing of the president of the Union of Jewish Communities in Russia, Rabbi Alexander Barda, was also brought, who thanked the supporters on behalf of all Russian Jewry. At the lighting of the Hanukkah candles, the city’s rabbi, Rabbi David Schwedik, is honored. The rabbi’s emissary in Kaliningrad, Rabbi Avraham Baruch Deitsch, invited one by one the distinguished donors, who stand every day to the right of the community, to receive a certificate of appreciation from the leader of the congregation, Mr. Flitman, signed by the chief rabbi of Russia and the heads of the community in Kaliningrad.

Among the many participants, the mayor, the German consul, the Lithuanian consul, the minister of agriculture and the minister of tourism stood out in their presence, who, like all the participants, were very impressed by the elaborate presentation that tells about everything that has been done in Kaliningrad Judaism since the construction of the synagogue, activities with youth, charity and charity projects, Torah lessons, prayers and more.

The evening was made pleasant by a local orchestra, which played Hanukkah songs and other Jewish songs. In a unique and exclusive performance, Mr. Valery Chacon, the best flamenco guitarist in Russia who won third place in a musicians’ competition in Europe, played at the event, playing Hanukkah songs in the old Spanish style.

During the holiday, events are held in Kaliningrad in honor of Hanukkah for all members of the Jewish community, beginning with Nisa publications at the central lighting in front of the synagogue in the city center, continuing with shows and workshops for children, a pancake night for the women of the city, elaborate music concerts by famous orchestras in the city, and ending with the distribution of hundreds of Hanukkah kits with Lamps and donuts to light up the Jewish homes in the city!

Photo: Denis Pavlov.

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