A checkpoint in Hebron that was closed for 20 years is about to open: “Significant weakness”

by time news

The Ashmoret block, which has been closed for more than 20 years, is about to open, a senior IDF officer announced to Kiryat Arba Hebron Council Chairman Eliyahu Libman a few days ago. The rest were murdered in the area of ​​Mordechai and Shalom Lapid, David Cohen, Sarit Prigel, Hezi Mualem.

In recent years, following the blockade of the axis, the residents felt actual security, vehicles from the depths of the Palestinian city that brought out quite a few terrorists could not reach the side of the residents’ homes and many terrorist incidents were avoided due to the decision to place a barrier on the axis.

Moshe Botvia, director of the security department at the council, says that if the axis opens to Palestinian vehicles, the terrorist incidents may, God forbid, return. .

The head of the council, Lt. Col. Eliyahu Libman, sent an urgent letter to Defense Minister Bnei Gantz warning of the dangers. In the local authority, which deals with Arab terrorism on a daily basis, Libman wrote to the Defense Minister, Partly closed to Jews and partly closed to the movement of Arab vehicles in Judea and Samaria near the settlement fence in Kiryat Arba. The decision stemmed from the conclusion that the attacks that took place on the axis were very easy due to the proximity and quick arrival from the center of Hebron to the axis and near the settlement with the possibility of a quick escape back to the Arab part of Hebron, “he noted.

“We protest against the intention to reopen the axis, as the opening of the axis endangers the Jewish residents moving in this axis, between the Zion Block and the Ashmoret Block. Residents of Kiryat Arba Hebron visit garages located on the axis on a daily basis. “From everywhere in Hebron to Hessam Zion, which is very close to Givat HaAvot and the western gate in the locality, without any inspection or barrier, and will open a road close to them to penetrate the Kiryat Arba fence.” In Kiryat Arba, they say that the Ministry of Defense and the IDF would do well to return, “God forbid, people may pay with their lives if this axis is opened,” they said.

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