a child beaten up on his birthday

by time news

Funny birthday for this young teenager from Hauts-de-Seine… On March 21, he was beaten up by classmates. A news item that comes as a law strengthening penalties for school harassment was passed on March 2.

Dangerous games and harassment are still commonplace in playgrounds. A teenager from André-Malraux college, in Asnières (92), paid the price on March 21. That day is his birthday. Three young people surround him at recess: You’re 12, you’re going to have 12 shots “. His father testified for the Parisian : « They put him on the ground and beat him up, with kicks, punches. »

When the parents are received by the principal, the latter affirms that she was not aware of the facts. She would then have turned to the young victim, and would have declared that he should not have said that it was his birthday, precisely because he risked being hit… To put him away, she decided to deprive him of recess. The young man’s parents have taken steps to change his establishment.

Read also: In Normandy, the association of bikers “Stor Börn” is committed against school harassment

The three responsible for this violence have meanwhile been excluded for eight days. Their parents were received by the management.

This is not the first time that such dangerous games have taken place in this Hauts-de-Seine college: two other children have recently been victims.

Between three and ten years in prison in the event of school harassment

This news story is reported when, on March 2, Parliament passed a law aimed at toughening the penalties for bullies in schools. They can now be punished by three years in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros. A sanction which can go up to ten years of imprisonment in the event of attempted suicide or suicide of the victim. Nearly a third of students claim to have been victims of violence at school. And, each year, nearly one child in ten suffers from bullying.

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