A collective of caregivers calls on the executive to prevent the public hospital from “collapse”

by time news

Save those who come to our aid. A collective of more than 5,000 doctors, caregivers and hospital workers calls for “emergency” action in the face of a public hospital “in the process of cracking and soon to collapse”, in a column addressed in particular to Emmanuel Macron, published this wednesday in The world.

“The public authorities, starting with the Head of State himself, must be aware that the public hospital is in the process of cracking and soon collapsing. Today, it is neither more nor less to prevent it from becoming the hospice of the 19th century again, ”they launch in this text broadcast a few days before Christmas.

“Emergencies are saturated everywhere”

For these caregivers, including several heads of structures, “the public hospital is no longer able to absorb the slightest health crisis, even if it is foreseeable, such as heat in summer and bronchiolitis in winter”. An observation which joins that of Rémi Salomon this Wednesday morning on BFMTV / RMC: “Faced with these very strong epidemics, we have a hospital in difficulty, closed beds, a reduced reception capacity”

“Emergencies are saturated everywhere. Today, we are in a critical situation everywhere, ”warned the president of the Conference of Presidents of Medical Commissions for the establishment of university hospitals. In the eyes of the signatories on the platform, “the measures already taken at the initiative of the President of the Republic are far from negligible, but they have been insufficient to correct fifteen years of restrictions. Eighteen months after the Ségur de la santé, the situation has worsened further and the confidence of caregivers has deteriorated profoundly”.

They renew “with force four concrete proposals to save the public hospital”, to “implement very quickly”.

A “real change of governance”

The collective of caregivers demands, among other things, a defined schedule and a maximum ratio of patients per nurse, which would require hiring “about 100,000 nurses” over three years.

He also pleads for the continuation of the financial revaluation initiated by Ségur, as a priority “to promote night and weekend work and take into account the high cost of housing for caregivers working in large cities”.

A “real change in governance” of the hospital, to get out of the logic of “financial management”, and a change in the method of financing are also included in their recommendations.

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