A complaint filed after the cancellation of a concert by fundamentalist Catholics

by time news

2023-05-16 13:22:07

He preferred to cancel the concert to avoid violence. Saturday evening, when the American organist Kati Malone was to perform in a church in Carnac (Morbihan), the mayor of the town was forced to cancel the performance under pressure from fundamentalist Catholics close to Civitas who came to demonstrate in front of the religious building. “About forty young people with a clear neck were hampered by violence, one of my assistants was slapped under the cries of “Get behind Satan! “, a concert which was to take place in the Saint-Cornély church”, wrote on his Facebook page Olivier Lepick, mayor of Carnac.

“I could not tolerate that the violence of the demonstrators fell on a public who came peacefully to attend a concert or that our church suffered damage if by chance it had been necessary to evacuate the illuminated by force”, he adds. , pointing out that the concert organized, under the aegis of the Ministry of Culture and the county council, had been approved by the bishopric and the parish committee. Following these overflows, the elected official filed a complaint. “I very strongly condemn this violence of a profoundly totalitarian nature which would like to impose radical convictions on others by force,” said Olivier Lepick.

The diocese of Vannes denounces the events

In a press release, the Brittany union of artists musicians CGT condemned an extreme right which “now claims to dictate its programming to the organizers of the show”. “If the members of Civitas or a similar group try again to prevent a show from being held in Brittany, they will have to expect to find CGT activists in front of them”, reacted the syndicate.

The diocese of Vannes also denounced the events of Saturday, stressing that “the Church could not be the place of any violence”. “The parish discernment commission has never identified in the program any work contrary to the message of the Gospel which could have undermined the sacred dimension of the place”, indicates the diocese on its website. ” The title To desecrate the sacredwhich seems to have set fire to the powder, has never appeared on the program presented for this concert”, adds the diocese.

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