a counter-offensive to the penalty – L’Express

by time news

2023-11-06 14:25:31

400 km². This is the area reconquered by kyiv’s forces since the start of the counter-offensive in June. This corresponds to approximately four times the surface area of ​​Paris itself. Quite disappointing gains, therefore, which led General Valeri Zaloujny to concede on Wednesday November 1 that the conflict was heading towards an impasse. The front has not seen any major developments since the fall of 2022 and the recapture of the city of Kherson.

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The primary cause of this stalemate is the lack of Ukrainian combat aircraft, which limits progress on the ground. Deliveries are slow to arrive at their destination: a wave of F-16s should however be received by kyiv at the beginning of 2024.

The Ukrainian counter-offensive is slipping

© / L’Express

Another important parameter: the resistance of Russian troops, who manage to hold their positions in the east and south. And Moscow is not limited to a defensive posture. Its forces continue to put pressure on the Donetsk region, and claim advances at the cost of heavy losses.

#counteroffensive #penalty #LExpress

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