«A crime of impulse, there is a reason that triggered his sudden impulse»

by time news

PESARO “It wasn’t supposed to end like this”. Ezio Di Levrano repeated it many times to the lawyer Salvatore Asole who took on the defense of the 54-year-old driver, in prison on charges of aggravated voluntary homicide against his 38-year-old wife Ana Cristina Duarte Correia.

The apologies

After the first meeting yesterday at Villa Fastiggi Asole specifies: «My client is a very shocked, heartbroken person who has shown me his total repentance and shock for the homicidal action he committed. I believe my client’s words, I found him sincere. From now on, without having defensive purposes, he apologizes to all of his wife’s relatives and children. He apologizes to the community, to all women, to his parents and to all the people who know him. He has described himself as a non-violent individual, so much so that he wants to deny some information that has appeared in the press, about alleged mistreatment of his wife».

Although, it should be remembered, the indictment also includes the crime of murder aggravated by family ties, the fact of having committed it in front of the children, as well as mistreatment. Lawyer Asole is keen to clarify one aspect. “Di Levrano told me loudly that he wants to pay for his sins but he wants the truth to emerge in the trial that induced him, in a moment of anger and rage, to commit an action he did not want to commit.”

The motive

One point that is still unclear is the motive. There has been talk of jealousy and blackmail by Di Levrano to his wife to take away their three children if he left her, but Asole is ready “to maintain until the end that it was a crime of passion. There is a key moment, an episode that triggered the outburst: we need to look into it further.” This is why the lawyer wants to “evaluate whether to request a psychiatric assessment of his client regarding his abilities or not (slight or severely diminished) at the time of the murder. According to the lawyer, a spark blinded Di Levrano with rage.

Another issue is the presence of the children. “We are faced with a voluntary homicide aggravated by the presence of the children. They were present in the house at that moment, but the suspect intends to clarify the circumstance that his children intervened when the action had already taken place, had already been completed”. Even if the neighbors who took in the three children, on the night of the murder, have put on record that the 6-year-old continued to repeat “Five stab wounds, five stab wounds”. As for the moments that followed, “he says he felt helpless and did not know what to do, he denies having fled. He was near the house, so much so that the sports field is 30 meters from the house. And when the carabinieri arrived, he himself asked the soldiers to arrest him”.

Aspects to clarify

The autopsy is scheduled for the 17th, an important test. “What do we expect? To find answers about the psychophysical state of the victim. This certainly does not justify such a brutal crime but I repeat his words: “It should not have ended like this”. It was not his intention to cause the death of his wife. In the next few days we will suggest investigative activities to the prosecutor who will leave nothing to chance. We are faced with a completed murder, no one doubts it – Asole concludes – but some aspects pertaining to the relationship between two spouses must be clarified, aspects that induced my client to commit the brutal murder”.

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