a dangerous process for technology companies

by time news

Technology Companies Under Scrutiny⁣ for App Used to Suppress Dissent in ​Venezuela

According‍ to reports, an app supporting the Venezuelan government has been updated to allow users⁣ to immediately report⁢ anyone who expresses ‍dissent after downloading the app. This⁤ comes amidst the controversial re-election of President Nicolás Maduro.

Matt Mahmoudi, director⁢ of Amnesty International‘s Silicon Valley Initiative, expressed‌ concern, stating, “The fact that technology developers revised the application to include ⁢this new feature raises the question:‍ Are these companies ‌fulfilling their responsibilities ⁣regarding human rights?

If so, they would have assessed the risk of the Venezuelan government using such a tool not only to limit people’s right⁢ to freedom of ‍expression ⁢and⁣ peaceful assembly, but also to contribute to ⁣illegal arrests and detentions, and abuses of⁣ human rights.”

Amnesty⁤ International has previously criticized technology companies for implementing measures‍ that negatively ⁤impact human rights⁤ without proper risk assessment.

President Maduro⁢ recently urged‌ his‍ supporters⁣ to use the ‌VenApp to report protesters who questioned his election outcome.

Human rights groups estimate ‌that thousands ‌have⁣ been ‌detained and over ‍a dozen have died following the‌ elections, ⁤amidst a crackdown on dissent.

Venezuela‍ is currently under investigation ⁣by the⁣ International Criminal Court for crimes​ against humanity and the United Nations Truth-Finding⁢ Organization on ‍Venezuela has condemned the government’s ​repression.

The VenApp, initially designed to address issues‍ like power outages and medical emergencies, was recently updated to include ⁤the function of reporting protesters. It was subsequently removed from⁤ the Google Play Store and App Store ⁢but remains accessible​ to existing users.

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