A date that unites science and mysticism

by time news

2023-06-21 23:51:41

The change of seasons on the planet, especially in the northern and southern latitudes, occurs due to the arrival of the equinoxes and solstices, which are specific moments in the Earth’s orbit that show how close, or how far, it is in the sun Thanks to the tilted axis of rotation of the planet, together with the hemisphere in which it is located, the weather will be more accurate to forecast.

In the case of the northern hemisphere, June 21 is known as the date on which the summer solstice takes place, and in the southern hemisphere that of winter, and December 21 is the reverse, dates that have a scientific and mystical component that attracts professionals and amateurs to these specific moments.

What happens on June 21?

According to science, the sun reaches its peak in the northern hemisphere on June 21, which is why it is considered the longest day in this part of the world, since the day can last 2 more hours, (understand the day as the period in which the sun is in sight). For its part, in the southern hemisphere the day is the shortest of the year due to the axis of rotation of the earth.

The summer solstice was an important date for ancient civilizations. – Photo: Getty Images/Image Source

Based on this date, the summer season begins in the northern hemisphere, which will last until the end of September, while winter begins in the southern hemisphere, which will give way to spring in the last days of September.

Are there rituals or celebrations for the summer solstice?

In the past yes. Just as the lunar calendar marks some important religious celebrations, the summer solstice is also an inspiration for others.

The start of summer marked an important event for various cultures, regardless of continent, from Stonehenge in the United Kingdom to Chichén Itzá in Mexico.

Archaeologists have found that the structures made by these two ancient cultures were, and still are, designed so that the sun’s rays would align with the statues or pyramids during the summer solstice.

Chichén Itzá has a mystical relationship with the summer solstice. – Photo: LightRocket via Getty Images

Also, experts say that this solstice was of great relevance to these societies as they celebrated all kinds of rituals for fertility, renewal, and to welcome the sun. Even these continue to occur in small communities that follow the tradition of their ancestors and also by fans who have wanted to adopt this type of belief.

beyond the rite

Astronomy constantly thanks the summer solstice, since thanks to moments like this, it has been possible to study and understand the way in which the earth behaves in the solar system, in addition to giving solid conclusions on the astronomical relationship that exists between the planet and the sun, understanding even more why some celestial phenomena.

Every six months these solstices are present, just like what happens with the equinoxes in March and September, depending on the hemisphere in which the individual is, he will know what season he is in.

In the northern and southern latitudes it is where climatic changes are most felt due to the solstices and equinoxes. – Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Although it is usually an irrelevant date for various faiths and cultures, the summer solstice marks a special date for lovers of astronomy and fans who like to learn more about the world that surrounds them and what lies beyond, in order to to understand every aspect of the universe which is constantly expanding, so much so that it is a source of admiration, respect and fear on the part of various individuals depending on the individual way of conceiving this vast space.

#date #unites #science #mysticism

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