A deadly poison that kills you in the blink of an eye.. the worst food that causes a very dangerous rise in cholesterol.. know it and stay away from it immediately

by time news
A deadly poison that kills you in the blink of an eye.. the worst food that causes high cholesterol in a very dangerous way.. know it and stay away from it immediately – educate me

There are many foods that do more harm than good to human health and raise the level of cholesterol in the blood, accumulate fat and block the arteries, and the person is not aware of this. Be careful not to eat it in moderation and not to overdo it.

Foods full of cholesterol that are harmful to human life:-

  1. One of the most important of these foods is butter, obesity, or foods fried in a fatty manner. These hydrogenated fats may raise the proportion of dunum cholesterol, atherosclerosis, and a feeling of chronic heart disease that may harm humans.
  2. Eating fatty and fat-filled foods such as fat or meat full of fat or part of the lamb’s meat, which is one of the first foods that destroy our health, in addition to that it greatly harms the health of the heart, but it destroys the digestive system in the body and destroys the stomach, so it works on its inflammation in addition to its direct effect On the gallbladder and liver, it works on cholecystitis and cirrhosis of the liver and can cause death immediately if these foods are eaten unconsciously, especially for diabetics.
  3. Excessive intake of sugars and sweets destroys the heart muscle, raises cholesterol, sabotages the body’s pancreas, and significantly lowers blood pressure. Therefore, eating those foods that may lead to death must be limited.

Some tips to follow to get rid of cholesterol in the body:-

  1. Eat vegetables and fruits on a daily basis.
  2. Do the necessary exercises every morning, follow a certain diet.
  3. It is also necessary to limit the intake of these foods and not to overeat them.
  4. Drink enough water during the day.

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