A deadly poison that kills you in the blink of an eye.. the worst food that causes high cholesterol in a very dangerous way.. know it and stay away from it immediately

by time news

Not following a diet, or eating healthy foods that contain a small percentage of fat that the body needs only, and when you overeat some foods may cause high cholesterol, including strokes and other risks, so you should know those foods that cause high cholesterol. Raise cholesterol, and also know what are healthy foods.

Foods that raise blood cholesterol

Some groups are advised to completely stay away from eating these foods, and also for individuals with good health, they should reduce the intake of these foods, and here are the most important ones:

  • Red meat, which contains pieces of fat, is one of the biggest causes of high cholesterol, so when you eat meat, you have to rid it of fat, or reduce its intake.
    Foods that contain a lot of oils, the most important of which are fast food that are prepared in restaurants, the oils are of poor quality, in addition to the large number of oils present in those foods, and they cause an increase in fat.

Healthy foods that are good for the body

We constantly hear about advice about eating healthy foods, so you should know the most important ones:

  • As it is necessary to eat a lot of vegetables, because they contain healthy fats that are beneficial to the body.
  • Eat fruits that are good for the body.
  • You should also replace foods made of oil with boiled foods, if you can.
  • Just as you can grill meat without frying it, you will get rid of the fat, and you will also get meat that tastes good.
  • You also need to perform daily exercises every morning, including enjoying a healthy life free of diseases, and also getting rid of excess weight.
  • It is also necessary to avoid ordering and eating fast food from outside.

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