a debate without a vote but under high tension in the National Assembly

by time news

2023-10-23 05:23:00

President Emmanuel Macron will visit Israel this Tuesday, October 24. The day before, the National Assembly is organizing a debate, without a vote, where the government will attempt to re-express its position on the conflict in the Middle East. The majority wishes to praise a spirit of unity in a context tense by the visit of Yaël Braun-Pivet to Israel. This debate without a vote, organized under article 50-1 of the Constitution, must start at 4:00 p.m. with a statement from the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, followed by speeches from the speakers of the groups and the presidents of the Affairs committees. Foreign and European Affairs. The government closes the discussion.

The Insoumis criticize the movement of Yael Braun-Pivet

It takes place the day after a trip to Israel by the President of the Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet, in the company of LR boss Eric Ciotti, during which she affirmed that France “fully” supported Israel and that nothing was to “prevent” the country “from defending itself” in the war pitting it against Hamas.

“Meanwhile Madame Braun-Pivet is camped in Tel Aviv to encourage the massacre of the French people! », vilified the leader of rebellious France Jean-Luc Mélenchon on X (ex-Twitter).

An attack condemned in turn by numerous elected officials, from the majority, from LR, from the RN and even from the PS, where MP Valérie Rabault denounced “abject accusations (…)”.

The debate will be an opportunity for the government to reiterate its position, brought to Cairo on Saturday by Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna, and which she summarized as follows in an interview with La Tribune Dimanche: “condemn Hamas and its terrorist action , avoid conflagration in the region and to do this remember that we need a political horizon around the two-state solution, remember that international humanitarian law must be respected, and of course obtain emergency humanitarian access for the populations civilians in Gaza » »

“Faced with the seriousness of the situation”, Ms Colonna wants “to believe that the spirit of unity and a sense of responsibility will prevail during this debate”.

The left calls for a ceasefire

Wishful thinking? At the center of criticism since the massacres perpetrated by Hamas on October 7 for not having qualified Hamas as “terrorist”, France Insoumise has stated its intention to hold Yaël Braun-Pivet accountable for his trip to Israel during this debate.

The bosses of the PCF and the PS, Fabien Roussel and Olivier Faure, also criticized this trip. Beyond Ms. Braun-Pivet, Mr. Faure attacked Emmanuel Macron, accusing him of not having maintained a “line of neutrality” in the face of the siege of Gaza. The President of the Republic is expected in Tel Aviv on Tuesday, where he is due to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“I cannot, like the head of state, be in unconditional support for Israel”, while the government of Benjamin Netanyahu is “completely in the hands of religious supremacists, of the extreme right”, estimated the first secretary of the PS.

The PCF, EELV, PS and LFI should speak out in favor of a “ceasefire” and the lifting of the blockade of Gaza. We need a “ceasefire for civilians, to allow humanitarian aid to arrive”, explained Fabien Roussel who will say “that the French position is not up to the task of expressing solidarity with civilian populations Palestinians” and that “indignation cannot be selective”.

Within the majority, the objective is to unite around the “president’s line”, which is also “the group’s line”, according to Renaissance boss Sylvain Maillard: “Israel has the right to defend itself (. ..) in the face of terrorist attacks, but Israel must respect humanitarian law.”

A line which leaves room for nuanced positions on the question of support for the Israeli government. Thus the president of the Foreign Affairs Commission Jean-Louis Bourlanges intends to evoke the responsibility of the Israeli government in the crisis: “they built a system where they crushed any possibility of a future for the Palestinians,” he said. he declares

#debate #vote #high #tension #National #Assembly

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