A decade of assassinations: this is how Shalom Domerani and Beni Shlomo turned from good friends to bitter enemies to the death | South here

by time news

The brothers Benny and Shalom Shlomo were born 4 years less than a week apart, with Shalom being the eldest and Benny being the oldest and they have one daughter. Although they were born in Moshav Chaletz, at a young age they moved with their mother, Sylvia, to live in the city of Rehovot, where they met and socialized with members of the local crime family – Levi, but as time passed, a bitter conflict arose between them.

Shalom, the older brother, was arrested several times, already in 2010 he was arrested on suspicion of trying to kill Haim Lavi with an explosive device and a month and a half later he allegedly tried to kill Assaf Lavi with a firearm, but he was always released to his home and no charges were filed against him Indictment. He also owned a carpentry shop at the Bilo Junction which he managed and thus when he was suspected of serious acts of attempted murder, he simultaneously provided a service of building and designing kitchens for his clients.

Hello Shlomo. Photo: Posta website

His brother Benny, who in the meantime returned to Moshav Haletz, established his position in Shalom Domerani’s organization and was one of the people closest to him, and the police say that he was in charge of the crime organization’s finances. They say that as part of their friendship and trust, Livni was the key to Shalom Domarni’s house. Later, Brother Shalom also returned and complained about what was happening in Moshav Haltz.

However, around 2011, a rift began between Bnei Shlomo and his patron Shalom Domarni, with one of the main reasons for this being a permit that Bnei Shlomo gave to a certain contractor to use a certain landfill, contrary to the boss’s opinion. As always, the issue is money, “money brought them together and money separated them,” said the caveman in this story, “and it’s a shame because together they knew how to make a lot of money.”

But what has been done cannot be undone, and at this stage my son, together with his brother Shalom, had already established a criminal organization competing with Shalom Domerani’s organization and even began to cause the transfer of resources such as iron and sand mining from Domerani’s organization to his organization. In the police, brother Benny is credited with the brain and his brother Shalom with the strength, “that’s how they complemented each other,” said a police officer.

Extractor seat

Extractor seat

Moshav Haletz became the nerve center of the Shlomo family’s organization, soldiers who crossed the lines from Domerani’s organization and other soldiers in the organization moved to live in the Moshav. Some of them moved there on their own and left their family in their place of residence. This is how a number of houses were built in the settlement. “They set up a council of sages there,” said a source close to the organization in the past, “they sit there and discuss all kinds of matters and Bnei Shlomo wants them next to him so he doesn’t have to leave the seat. The whole area there is networked with cameras and security guards.” The moshav even initiated the construction of a gate at the entrance to the moshav, which also added to the security of the members of the Shlomo family and their soldiers.

In November 2012, one of the events that marked the climax of the struggle between the Shlomo family and the Lavie family took place, when an explosive device was placed in a car in a Yavneh garden and when it exploded, it killed the driver of the car, Gal Noam, a 20-year-old young man with no criminal record, the nephew of the Lavie family. The police believed that the target was his older brother and not him, but this was enough to deepen the rift between the rival organizations. Shalom Shlomo was even arrested on suspicion of murder but was later released.

Ofir and Amos Levi.  Photography: Motti Milrod

Ofir and Amos Levi. Photography: Motti Milrod

In April 2013, Yisrael Amr of Rehovot, brother of Yehuda Amr, who was identified as one of the close people of Shalom and Bnei Shlomo, was killed by close range shooting.

Shalom Domarni, who realized that the rising power of his former soldier could hurt, joined forces together with the Lavi family from Rehovot and thus the assassination attempt that made Bnei Shlomo a well-known and central target came to fruition. In July 2013, Bnei Shlomo left his home in Moshav in a bulletproof Skoda car. He did not know that at the Givat intersection a joint ambush was waiting for him by the people of Dumarni and the people of the Lavi family. One of them, a 22-year-old man with no criminal record, was waiting in ambush masked, wearing gloves and armed with a 4M rifle. Another man was waiting riding a stolen scooter a few tens of meters away from him. Later, the Mazda getaway car owned by Assaf Lavi, a member of the crime family from Rehovot, was waiting for them.

Bnei Shlomo's vehicle, after the liquidation.  Photography: Moshe Nisimpour

Bnei Shlomo’s vehicle, after the assassination attempt. Photography: Moshe Nisimpour

The killers, who knew that the entire vehicle was armored, directed the shooting at the Achilles heel of the vehicle – the windshield. While the Skoda was at a traffic light, the armed young man jumped and fired 25 bullets, some of which hit the windshield and injured Benny Shlomo and the two occupants of the vehicle. From there, using the scooter, they fled to the getaway vehicle.

The ones who immediately took control of the incident were two police officers from the cavalry unit who started chasing the shooters, they lost them on the way but finally, several days later, they were captured. The injured Bnei Shlomo who was driving the car, began a wild ride to the Barzilai hospital where he was treated along with the other occupants of the car – Gili Shaltiel and Denis Vatakevich.

With the arrest of the gang members, the police realized the depth of the rivalry between the organizations and the status established by the Shlomo brothers and the organization they headed.

But this event was the beginning of a wave of mutual assassinations and assassination attempts – when 3 weeks later two explosive devices were discovered in Amos Lavi’s car.

From the right: Dror Demari, Jacky Benita, Amos Lavie and Avi Biton

From the right: Dror Demari, Jacky Benita, Amos Lavie and Avi Biton

This continued with the placing of the bomb in the car of the criminal Avi Biton from the people close to Domrani, a bomb that killed Jacky Benita and severely wounded Biton in October 2013. A few days later, another explosive device exploded in the car of Dror Demari in Ashkelon, who was also seriously injured. At a later stage, the police revealed an attempt to eliminate the criminal Chico Dahan, the right-hand man of Shalom Domerani and who is considered number 2 in the crime organization. The police revealed surveillance equipment that monitored Dahan’s steps and was supposed to provide intelligence about him. An injury to Dahan could have been considered a serious injury to Domerani’s organization.

The scene of Jackie Benita’s assassination. Photography: Eliram Moshe

The revenge attempt was not long in coming, but it was not successful at all, an explosive device was placed at the entrance to Moshav Haletz, waiting for Bnei Shlomo’s car. Shlomo drove by with his other vehicle only after that the bomb exploded and did not cause any damage to Shlomo. A short time later, Bnei Shlomo also went to prison on suspicion of extorting his business partner Yitzhak Simoni.

In the meantime, the coalitions began to take shape, with on one side Shalom Domrani strengthened by the Lavi brothers and the senior criminal Yossi Edri from Ashdod, and on the other side by the Georgian gang in Ashdod together with Bnei Shlomo. The struggles between the parties reached a climax in the explosion of an explosive device in a BMW jeep in the heart of Ashdod in November 2014, in which Menashe Maor was killed and other members of the Georgian gang were injured – Yossi Krikhali and David Butarshvili.

Menashe Maor and the scene of his assassination.  Photo: Liza Lelotshvili

Menashe Maor and the scene of his assassination. Photo: Liza Lelotshvili

Domrani, did not accept that the rest of the occupants of the vehicle remained alive and through his men tried to carry out the elimination of the members of the Bnei Shlomo coalition in the city of Ashdod – such as Adam Depas, Yossi Korchili and Eliran Hovav.

In December 2014, an assassination attempt occurred again in Ashkelon, the victim was once again Avi Biton, who was under his house at the time on Bichuri Anavim Street, when shots were fired at him that did not hit him at all. Bitton, as I remember, was killed about a year ago by an explosive device that exploded in his car, when this time the police actually pointed the finger of blame at Domerani’s own organization.

The scene of the shooting on Bichuri Anavim Street. Photo: Gal Haziza

Avi Bitton and the scene of the assassination

At the beginning of 2015, after Domrani and Bani Shlomo were released from sitting in prison, and although the police were vigilant in preparation for the release, what they saw then, they had never seen before – a real car bomb designed to eliminate the brothers Bani and Shalom Shlomo, who was placed in the arsonist Kiryat Gat and was allegedly supposed to explode next to his car The Shlomo brothers are sitting. The policemen who opened the car found in it: a large plastic container containing gasoline, a 12 kg metal container containing cooking gas, four metal containers containing propane gas, eleven socks into each of which about five hundred screws and nuts were inserted, and four sandbags. Shalom Domarni’s men were arrested, one of them was acquitted while the other was convicted.

The equipment found in the inferno car intended for the elimination of Bnei Shlomo. Photo: Police spokeswoman

The step up was on one of the Fridays in the month of September 2105, at approximately one o’clock in the morning, an initial report was received of two people shot near a house in Moshav Telamim near Kiryat Gat. The forces of Magen David Adom who arrived at the scene determined the death of Shalom Shlomo, 38 years old, while another person who was with him in the car was slightly injured and rushed to Barzilai Hospital. The wounded man was diagnosed with a gunshot wound in the shoulder and shrapnel in his back, and after treatment he was released.

The scene of the assassination is safe and sound

Two months later, Shalom Domerani was already arrested, as part of the “blocking block” affair in which he was convicted of attempted murder of the Ashdod elements in the coalition identified with Bnei Shlomo and was then sentenced to six years in prison. Shlomo was left out and was arrested again and again and even served short prison terms and in 2020 he was even sentenced to 23 months in prison.

While they were in prison, it was the elements associated with them who continued the assassinations and assassination attempts, such as the attempted assassination of a person close to Shalom Domrani with a bomb that exploded in his car in January 2020. Bnei Shlomo and his associates were also suspects in this case, but it was finally closed.

This continued with the assassination of Shanir Bohbot and the serious wounding of Ofir Burns, one of the people closest to Shalom Domerani in April 2021. Soldiers affiliated with the Caucasian gang headed by Yishai Hanochaiv were arrested and indicted for the murder of Bohbot and the wounding of Burns.

Shanir Bohbot and the scene of the murder

Less than a year ago, they were both released from prison and the territory burned again, with assassination attempts such as the attempted assassination of Daniel Melsa, a senior member of the Bnei Shlomo organization by elements associated with the Levi brothers in October 2021. In April of this year, an assassination attempt took place in Moshav Nahora in which Yossi Dahan, his brother, was shot of the criminal Chico Dahan, one of Domerani’s associates.

Daniel Melsa’s assassination attempt:

In June of this year, officials identified with Domerani were arrested when they were apparently on their way to the house in Nitzan where Dean Ben Porat and Daniel Melsa, senior members of the Bnei Shlomo organization, live.

The climax of the events was when Nissim “Nina” Domrani, the eldest son of Shalom Domrani, was shot and wounded, even though he had already abandoned the world of crime and returned to Motav. Soldiers associated with the Caucasian gang and Bnei Shlomo were arrested and indicted for the incident. One of the accused, Robt Ovansov, wrote slogans on the wall in his detention cell such as: “Loyalty to the male Shlomo men”, “Shalom (Domarni) the late”, “Loyalty to the male Caucasians” and more.

Nissim “Nina” Domrani and the scene of the event

Recently, a senior police officer revealed that the attempted assassination of Nina Domerani was carried out after two attempts to harm his younger brother were thwarted by the police.

This time, with the elimination of Bnei Shlomo, a very bloody chapter was signed in the wars of the underworld in the south, when this time too, Domranish peace was left standing on its feet.

Bnei Shlomo and Shalom Domrani in court. Photography: Moti Kimchi

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