A demonstration in front of Bennett’s house. Ben Gvir: “There will be no dictatorship here”, the demonstrators: “Bennett the crook is bad for the Jews”

by time news

A demonstration takes place in front of Naftali Bennett’s house in Raanana. Dozens of right-wingers came to the demonstration. The demonstrators shouted, among other things: “Bennett is a bad crook for the Jews. The people demand a Jewish state. It should be noted that the right-wing demonstration in front of Bennett’s house takes place on a weekly Saturday night.

The chairman of the Jewish Power, MK Itamar Ben Gvir, who came to protest against the dictatorship and the closing of the mouths, also came to the demonstration and said: “Twice this weekend they tried to infringe on my immunity, my freedom of movement “There will be a dictatorship here, there will be no mouth-clogging and an attempt to harm the entire public. Bennett and Lapid go home.”

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