A deserted registrar’s office; Government notification is not welcome A deserted registrars office; Government notification is not welcome

by time news

Annoor: The office of the Registrar of Annoor was deserted yesterday.

To increase the revenue of the deed registration department, the government announced that the offices of the sub-registrars would be operational yesterday, the first day of Chitra. Subsequently, six employees, including the Sub-Registrar (in-charge), came to work in the Annoor Sub-Registrar’s office. However, not a single purchase deed was registered yesterday. Only 9 deeds such as mortgage, cancellation of mortgage, inheritance among relatives were registered. The government did not get much revenue yesterday.

According to the deed clerks, ‘most people will not come forward to sell their properties as it is Tamil New Year and Friday. So today (yesterday) sir registrar’s office is not open. It is not widely publicized that the Office of the Registrar will operate on Tamil New Year. Usually 80 to 100 bonds are registered on a good day. But only nine bonds were registered yesterday,’ they said.


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