a draft agreement that makes too many compromises

by time news

2023-12-11 20:31:57

NARRATIVE – France, the European Union and the United States believe that the text proposed by Sultan al-Jaber is “insufficient”.

From our special correspondent in Dubai

In Dubai, the night promises to be eventful for the negotiators of COP28, the world summit on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In theory, the discussions should end this Tuesday, December 12 in the morning. It is the turn of the country representatives to decide on a document narrowed to 21 pages, called “global assessment”, compared to 27 for the one released on Friday.

This new text leaves everyone wanting more, even if, as promised, its president, Sultan al-Jaber, also boss of Adnoc, the main oil company in the United Arab Emirates, includes the expression ” fossil fuels “. A first in this type of international text on the climate, where generally only the reduction of greenhouse gases is mentioned so as not to antagonize oil-producing countries.


But for Lola Vallejo, head of the climate program at IDDRI (Institute of Sustainable Development and International Relations), it is a « lyrics Frankenstein » Or « everyone can find their little ones ». « We still have many differences to resolve », admitted Sultan al-Jaber when opening the evening’s debates. He hopes that the final text will respect « what science says » and will maintain « the goal of 1.5 °C » (warming compared to the start of the industrial era).

But if it is voted on as it stands, « we will be able to issue the death certificate from 1.5 °C », lamented, eyes red with fatigue, Cedric Schuster, Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Samoa Islands, and president of the Aosis group, an alliance of 39 small island countries whose voice carries weight during these summits. As it stands, the text is « unacceptable » according to him, lack of sufficient ambition on fossil fuels. This project, unlike the previous version, no longer offers numerous options but sets directions. Thus, Cedric Schuster deplores that it is no longer indicated that « countries must take steps to move away from fossil fuels », but that they « could » do it…

« We must hear the voice of the small islands », estimated Agnès Pannier-Runacher, French Minister of Energy Transition. She explains that as it stands, this text is a “ disappointment », among others « because there is no explicit mention of an exit from fossil fuels » as had been requested in particular by the European Union, the United States and 80 to 110 countries, according to the accounts and the optimism of experts. Teresa Ribera, Spanish Minister of the Environment and in charge of the European Council of Ministers, also judges the project « insufficient. Elements of the text are totally unacceptable ». She points out the fact that he « is not clear at all » on what to do over the next « critical decade », in order to reduce fossil fuel emissions. Furthermore, the United States requests « strengthen strongly » the draft agreement, reports AFP. Nevertheless, Agnès Pannier-Runacher still hopes that this COP28 will be remembered as a « historic summit ”, because all the elements are present.

They undoubtedly are… but in disorder. « This text is a nightmare of weak propositions and internal contradictions : he asks to maintain the objective of 1.5 °C, but does not define any path for a rapid phase-out of fossil fuels », comments Tom Evans, political advisor to the E3G think-tank. Experts point out that the doubling of resources allocated to adaptation (helping countries prepare for the consequences of climate change from 2025) has disappeared from another document. These funds should have been increased, at a minimum, to $40 billion per year.

Too many concessions

Observers, and not only representatives of NGOs, believe that too many concessions have been made to OPEC countries, in particular to Saudi Arabia. His Minister of Energy also left this Monday morning for Doha, where a conference on energy in Arab countries is taking place until Tuesday. But « delegates remained in Dubai »confided to Figaro the delegate of a European country.

In the end, the draft text mentions coal, as requested by India, with less restrictive conditions than at the end of COP26 in Glasgow; greenhouse gas capture techniques to offset fossil fuel emissions, demanded by oil-producing countries; the use of nuclear power, proposed by France and the United States; of a « substitution » gradual transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies, desired by China. But in wanting to satisfy everyone, hasn’t Sultan al-Jaber created the recipe for establishing a compromise unacceptable to everyone?


#draft #agreement #compromises

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