A duo of white shark-killing orcas

by time news
On June 20, the carcass of a great white shark was found lying on the rocks of a beach east of Gansbaai, in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Marine Dynamics, Dyer Island Conservation Trust

STORY – The decline of sharks in the Cape region of South Africa seems linked to attacks by marine mammals.

On June 20, on a beach east of Gansbaai, in the Western Cape province of South Africa, the carcass of a great white shark was found lying on rocks. A gaping wound on the animal’s chest girdle, haloed with deep teeth marks, suggests that its liver and heart were devoured.

This will be confirmed by the autopsy carried out by the team from Marine Dynamics Academy, a South African organization bringing together several specialists in the marine ecosystem. The suspect, or rather the suspects, of this attack? Orcas, or “killer whales” in English. More specifically, Port and Starboard (port and starboard), a duo of male killer whales famous for their exceptional ability to hunt the great white shark, wrongly considered the greatest predator of the oceans.

After an attack, great white sharks didn’t appear for weeks, or months

Alison Towner, Marine Biologist

Since 2017, a total of eight carcasses with similar injuries have been found on the southern coast of South Africa. Eight confirmed victims…

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